The Beatitude Life: 1c, Self-examination

2Co 13:5 Examine yourselves to see if your faith is genuine. Test yourselves. Surely you know that Jesus Christ is among you; if not, you have failed the test of genuine faith.

If you are unfamiliar with self-examination, then consider the following 2 points, before you begin; after reading those brief points, you will be referred elsewhere for a downloadable self-exam form.

Point 1: abide in the word of God, as it is the standard of truth that all Christians must be conformed to. Therein, you have commands to follow and illustrations about how to conduct your interactions with other humans and with God. Without it, you have no measuring stick to evaluate your own behavior– progress and failures; and you are without God’s appointed means of grace.

Point 2: observe your behaviors. You must be as honest as you possibly can about your thoughts and behaviors towards others. Also, your inner thought life and your affections. God knows our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. You cannot hide anything from Him, so there is no use pretending in any area of your private life. Making journal entries about your conduct in given situations, and noting your related thoughts and feelings is a good place to start with journal entries (7 questions below will aid you in this). Look for selfishness in the forms of: pride, self-righteousness, jealousy, anger, covetousness, envy…as all of these are hindrances to walking in the narrow way. For example, God hates pride; self-righteousness is spiritual pride, it is hideous to God, yet we love it because it exalts us in our own mind and before others. It has to go if you want to enter into the narrow way. And the first step in getting rid of it is to see that you have it. Pray to God for increased ability to recognize your sins. Pastor Albert N. Martin preached a 16 part series on psalm 51, it is available to hear on The 5th sermon is about the different kinds of sin identified in the Bible. Listening to that sermon could help you in seeing your own sins.


The following is a downloadable self-exam packet. I formerly only had it attached to post 1d, written in March. The packet includes a self-exam form and many other tools with explanations