TEN ‘politically correct’ words you must STOP USING NOW! Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck read an article at The Federalist website with the above title. The words listed below are used by the left and give power to their system of thought because these words stand for something different than people believe them to represent.

That is the best I could do to describe what Beck was indicating in his video, the first example should clarify my description:

The phrase ‘mainstream media’ should not be used by conservatives because it suggests that ‘mainstream media’ represents the entire country, when it actually, at best, represents California and New York.

We should call them ‘corporate media’ or big media; words which clearly represent who they are.

Gender‘ is another word. The word that ought to be used is ‘sex.’ Words have gender but people are one sex or another: male or female. Beck expounded further.

‘Democracy‘ is another word; as the US is a republic. Plato said democracy is the social structure directly followed by tyranny; Beck expounded further.



