Silencing for Slavery: Tucker and RFK, Jr. Are Just the Beginning — Agenda Weekly by Curtis Bowers

The purpose of Curtis Bowers AW is to reveal the leftist agenda that is unfolding in America via current events.

This article was copied and pasted from my electronic subscription to Agenda Weekly. For $5 per month you can subscribe at

Begin AW:

Curtis explains why Democrats are silencing all opposition as they move toward a total slave state. Canceling Tucker Carlson and sidelining Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. are just the beginning.

Leftists are pushing radical agendas nationwide to overwhelm us into submission. All dissenting voices must be removed from the mainstream media before 2024 if they are to pull off another steal and achieve their 2030 schemes.

The majority aren’t interested in slavery, but are they willing to do what it takes to resist it?

Curtis also details practical strategies to push back and prepare right now.

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Featured Videos

You can share this week’s Behind the Scenes video here or the audio at this link.

Watch: FULL SPEECH: Tucker Carlson’s Last Address Before Leaving Fox News (37 minutes). Important comments from Tucker on what he’s learned and the spiritual battle between good and evil.

Watch: Powerful Animation on the Reset (24 minutes). A 3D animated short film about a not-too-distant dystopian future and the potential consequences of the medical tyranny, woke culture, green agenda, and infamous Great Reset.

Watch: What Happens When The Grid Goes Down (55 minutes). Grid failure is a real and imminent danger. If protective measures are not taken, America could experience catastrophic failures leading to starvation, death, destruction, and darkness for months.

Watch: Dr. Bradley Thayer – Part I (5 minutes). “We don’t understand their ideology and their determination to destroy us.” Important video on China’s strategy and the risks China poses to America.

Watch: Dr. Bradley Thayer – Part II (6 minutes). “Our enemy arose and we didn’t do anything about it.” Continued explanation on the threat of China. Please watch.

Articles of the Week

Read: Is ‘Socialization’ A Valid Reason For Subjecting Children To Godless Indoctrination By Government-Run Schools? by Alex Newman. What does “socialization” really mean, and what are the benefits of homeschooling?

Read: Prepping America for Genocide by Adam Mill. “Every mass killing begins as a social or economic justice movement seeking to redress a historical grievance narrative.”

Read: The Truth About America’s History of Slavery by Dennis Prager. “A generation of Americans is being raised on half-truths and lies about the history of slavery in America.”

Read: Do We Even Know We Are All Socialists Now? by Victor Davis Hanson. “‘Woke’ is a euphemism for the socialist revolution we are in and do not fully appreciate or even understand.”

Prayer and Action

Pray for wise and godly state and local candidates to run for office.

Pray for candidates who are discerning of lies, courageous to stand for truth, skillful in communication, and not intimidated or influenced by evil. Pray that good candidates will be elected and bad ones defeated.

Pray about how you can get involved. Could you pray, donate, door knock, poll watch, or write letters? How can you effect positive change in your county and state?

Get involved in your local community by getting to know your local Republican/Tea Party, sheriff, county officials, board of education, pastors, and other key influencers.

Expand your influence by networking with other conservative people in your area.

If you’ve not done so, create a contact list of your state and local elected officials and put in an easy to access place.

Research how your elected officials stand on the issues. If they have proven record of standing for truth, let them know you appreciate their commitment! If not, let them know that you will support their opponent unless they change.

Do some homework on the candidates. What is their worldview? Do they speak out? Are they too soft in the face of evil? Are they pro-life, pro-gun, pro-parental rights, pro-homeschooling, and anti-vaccine mandates and transgenderism?

Consider running (yourself) or recruiting (a solid conservative at work, church, or in your neighborhood).

For more education and action on national and state political battles, visit Center for Renewing America’s website and consider joining their weekly activist calls.

Consider boycotting Fox News entirely. Encourage others to do the same. Find independent, truth-seeking media you can support instead.

Memory verse of the week: James 1:17, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.”

You can share this week’s Behind the Scenes video here or the audio at this link.

Patriot Spotlight

“I’ve been a subscriber for not quite a year and look forward to the weekly video every Saturday. I appreciate Curtis’s calm and straightforward delivery of the week’s top stories.” – Steve W.

Stories and Questions

We’d love to hear what you’re doing to make a difference! Please send us your stories. If you have a question you’d like us to answer in our weekly videos, you can email Although we’re not able to respond to every email, we greatly appreciate your comments, feedback, and suggestions.