Should We Tell Unbelievers That God Loves Them? Dr. John MacArthur

Dr. MacArthur answers that question in the following 1 minute video from Ligonier Ministries, the question was likely submitted to #AskLigonier.

Dr. MacArthur’s answer undermines some common beliefs about the “love” of God – those kinds of beliefs that are floating around in worldly converse, that really are not based on biblical truths.



When Dr. MacArthur indicated that the old Campus Crusade call to students about God having a wonderful plan for their lives was inaccurate, he was likely thinking of such statements as “pick up your cross, deny yourself and follow Me,” which is in more than one gospel account of Christ’s life. “Cross” indicates suffering, His cross killed Him, after which He rose again. So, our crosses, which we are to pick up and carry daily, are not “wonderful” in terms of how the term is characteristically known by the world.

There is also God’s providential works in all Christian’s lives; (we are to consider everything that comes into our lives to be from the hand of God) such things include cancer, losses such as the death of loved ones; inheriting large sums of money; losing one’s job… and other such things that enable one to see what type of faith he currently has, and move one towards seeking greater dependence upon Christ’s Spirit and God’s appointed means of grace (Bible reading, hearing of biblical preaching – see Acts 2:42).

Ligonier Ministries (the ministry founded by R.C. Sproul) and Grace To You (GTY, the ministry of Dr. MacArthur’s church) seemingly address every area of the Christian life. They each have much available on YouTube.

Their ministries are at:; and has thousands of sermons free to download; get their app at the app store. If you want greater understanding of a biblical concept; or if you would like biblical direction regarding a problem you are experiencing, then search their sites for answers.