Should Julian Assange And Edward Snowden be Pardoned by President Trump?

In the following 4 minute Tucker Carlson interview, Glenn Greenwald, investigative reporter and co-founder of Intercept, explains the reasons that Snowden is in exile and Assange is in prison.

Assange is the founder of Wikileaks and in 2010, revealed embarrassing information about several members of the deep state in the Obama administration.

The deep state is pressuring the DOJ to punish these two individuals for revealing their stealthy practices.

Greenwald stated that the cases of these two men may also be a challenge to president Trump by the deep state, because they actually believe they are running things, not the president.

[Based on how slowly the Barr and Durham investigations are proceeding, it is clear that the deep state is a hard bunch to confront by the rule of law.]



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