Senator Ted Cruz Speaks On The Current Social Chaos

In the following 4 minute video, Senator Cruz discussed the riots of the past week; he supported president Trump’s stance and condemned the weak response of democratic leaders who were quick to arrest people violating the covid 19 curfews but are allowing the violence to play out on their streets for political advantage.



The following video shows the difference in states managed by progressives as opposed to conservatives.

The video was produced by a native Californian who no longer lives there because taxes are too high and CA is unfriendly to small business and lenient on crime. Texas on the other hand, is small business friendly, with a reasonable cost of living. Many appropriate topics are discussed in the video, it is a perfect video to hear before election day, as the vlogger brings up about every topic that is important to the middle class regarding their day to day life; furthermore, he frames his points according to the policies of the two parties.



This blog highlights conservative leadership because they support family values.

For other posts on progressive politics; leftist ideology and its harmful impact on America…see, Categories: Progressive Govt. / Socialism / Communism; and Propaganda Exposed.