School Shootings: What is the Main Problem? Paganism, Part 26

The following videos, two of which are the father and brother of a school shooting victim, indicate that lenient school discipline policies instituted by the Obama administration are the main cause of school shootings: violent students were not held accountable by school administrators or by local police departments who followed lenient, liberal policies.

The shooter at Parkland school, Florida, was seen by the local sheriff’s office 45 times and was never arrested or removed from the school. The measures they took were completely ineffective and resulted in permitting a violent student to be at large in that school. He later killed 17 students.

Mr. Pollack and his son Hunter stated that the liberal news agencies don’t want to report on the real problem, they merely want to focus on gun control because it is a big leftist campaign priority; and an issue they can use to bash President Trump, whom he believes to be a compassionate person via his personal meetings with the President.

The following 8 minute video, wherein Mr. Pollack makes a plea to the nation, he wants students to be held to a higher level of accountability, such that acting out students would not have the opportunity to shoot up schools:



The following 30 minute video by Hunter Pallack, brother of school shooting victim, is much more specific regarding identifying problems at the school and possible solutions;



In the following 2 minute video excerpt, Huckabee reported on the recent Virginia gun rally: a black man stated that it is not just redneck whites that want to protect 2nd amendment rights, but Blacks, Asians, Hispanics and most Americans. 

The fake news media led its viewers to believe that it was only a bunch of white supremacists at the rally.



The following 3 minute video is an interview with Virginia Senator, Amanda Chase about the gun control rally in Virginia. She identified that the changed laws were a leftist assault on the 2nd amendment.




The constitution of the United States is under attack by leftist democratic progressives. It would undoubtedly be easier for them to take power if the citizens were not armed. If you think that is an outlandish statement, then study China’s government, or Venezuela’s government; or 20th century history.