In the following 5-minute video from Good Fight Ministries, Pastor Joe Shimmel uncovers elements of satanism found in Marvel productions and other TV and Movie shows. His site also has many videos about satanism in rock music.

In my long series on Paganism in the western world, I used two of his videos in post one along with his words from Aleister Crowley’s book of the law, thelema. That post is linked below video for any who would see more.

God says much in the Bible about the demonic realm in this world; modern culture, however, mocks the Bible and invites the demonic into their living rooms to their own peril.

[I noticed a couple of sites on the web that spoke against having any knowledge of such things, and criticized pastor Joe Shimmel’s teaching on the satanic realm. I disagree with that because this culture is overflowing with it. That is, one must understand the danger of it and guard against it. To support my view, consider the following titles: Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices, by Puritan Thomas Brooks. The back jacket on the book says it is a must read for Christians, especially those tampering with sin, as it exposes Satan’s methods; also consider C S Lewis’ book, The Screwtape Letters, for a similar exposition.]



The following link is to Good Fight Ministries video page; they have videos on the occult as it appears in TV, Movies and music.

The following links are to the foundational post on my long series on Paganism in the western world, as it is breaking out now:

Paganism, part 1 on the social goals of Aleister Crowley, father of Satanism:

Paganism, part 2, Satanism breaking out in our culture as revealed in several events: