Rioters Attacked Rand Paul and Wife after RNC; Facts About the Jacob Blake Shooting

In the following video by Anthony B. Logan, he showed the video clip of Rand Paul being attacked and provided history on the violent motives of BLM, supposedly regarding Breonna Taylor.

  • ABL provided information about B. Taylor’s criminal activity
  • ABL noted that the BLM rioters are likely paid anarchists, flown in by whoever is funding these riots [George Soros has been known to fund riots to destabilize our nation, he may be involved?]
  • Rand Paul seems concerned to look into the paid rioter scenario
  • Rand Paul stated that this cannot continue to occur in democrat run cities
  • ABL speculated that these mobs are to intimidate voters who would vote for Trump, but this democratic strategy may be backfiring on them?



The next ABL video is about Jacob Blake. ABL provided Blake’s criminal background and that Blake had a current open warrant (which he posted on screen) for criminal trespass; 3rd degree sexual assault; disorderly conduct; and domestic abuse.

The police were called to the site to deal with Blake, thus, he may have been guilty of some crime then (not yet clear); but it may have been regarding the open warrant.

Blake resisted arrest, police tased him and had their guns drawn (see second video by ABL on his site for these details).

That is to say, Blake escalated this situation by defying police directives as they attempted to detain him. He forced this situation, somewhat like Michael Brown did, see that video in this blog, see link below video:



The following link is to a post in this blog about BLM and Michael Brown:  that post uses videos by two well known Black men to explain the Michael Brown incident.

That post revealed the same problem as in the two above incidents, that BLM is representing Blacks who were guilty of criminal activity to say that police were wrong for dealing with them in a violent manner — Brown and Blake, forced a violent situation, I cannot speak about Taylor as I am not sufficiently familiar with that situation. 

(I worked with violent juvenile offenders for 22 years and I am very familiar with such situations: when violent people do not respond to authority figures, the situation escalates until control is gained. The first motive of the authorities in such situations it to provide security for those in the area; that was the most basic charge I had, providing a safe environment; that is a basic charge of ALL police officers also.)

Additionally, look at all the recent killings of Black children and teens in the violence in democratic run cities, BLM does not give a hoot about those innocent deaths – just the deaths they can exploit to destabilize our country as an attempt to help Biden win the 2020 election.

For other similar posts, see Categories: Social Justice / Identity Politics; Propaganda Exposed; Progressive Govt. / Socialism / Communism.