Q & A with Joel Kim, Steven Lawson, John MacArthur, and Stephen Nichols

If you are a new Christian or are new to the reformed church, then the following Q&A contains a lot of valuable information. There are at least a half dozen points that are noteworthy, so have a pen and paper when you listen.

These pastors / teachers are biblically informed and are true men of God. If you have not read through the Bible, then you may not be able to tell them from those who are not biblical – and the church abounds with unbiblical preachers today.

Please listen carefully and begin to read through your Bible, so that you might acquire sufficient understanding to be able to discern biblical from unbiblical pastors / teaching.

The following is a 5 minute block (37 – 42) by Dr. John MacArthur summarized in outline form, as he explained discipleship: It is the passing of the truth of God’s word to another [bracketed statements are my explanation of MacArthur’s points, because he did not elaborate]:

  1. It includes: understanding the truth [reading / studying God’s word, hearing sermons…until you grow in understanding of God, His doctrine, yourself…]
  2. Believing the truth [you will know when you are beginning to believe God’s word in an experiential way, because, to give a personal example, the Holy Spirit has been showing me for the past 10+ years that when I sin, I am not believing God’s word but am still believing the lies of my worldly conditioning and sinning as a result. That is, for example, when I sin, I believe that sin gives me something; and that something is more advantageous to me than God’s promises. For me to see that much, I had to be completely honest with myself and God about my sin; then receive His humbling as He showed me my unbelief; then get up and start again after failing…none of that can occur if you are unwilling to admit sin….]
  3. Belief in God’s truth will take over your life, causing you to formulate convictions from which you will thereafter act [you will undoubtedly be more victorious in your battles with temptation because you actually believe the promises in God’s word – as in Matthew 4, when Jesus quoted Deuteronomy to Satan and was victorious; Pastor A.N. Martin said he used to be able to quote scripture when he sinned; that is, quoting scripture did not work for him in the beginning of his walk because he did not sufficiently believe God’s word then; he still believed the lies of his worldly conditioning. If you trace back your sin to its motive, you will find it to be as I stated. See, Categories, Jonathan Edwards, three posts that talk about a glimpse into his spiritual life, Edwards’ talks about the same things in his journal entries. Those posts are to help Christians begin using a journal and to acquaint them with his profound discoveries – things that you too must discover in your own spiritual walk.]
  4. The Holy Spirit will work in you appropriate affections for God’s word
  5. A real life example from MacArthur’s experience

Topics: (The minute marks are general, I was driving to and from an apt. as I listened and noted, I reviewed the end of the video before posting, for specifics):

  • 0m – 12m: Intro of speakers and definition of “reformed theology”
  • 13m – 22m: How are we made in the image of God?
  • 22m – 27:30: Can one who is intellectually impaired be saved? Being saved in general; the Holy Spirit’s work in regeneration
  • 27:30m – 30m: cessation and sign gifts
  • 30m – 36m: public confessions by ministers
  • 37m – 47m: Discipleship; the gospel

Link to 47 minute Q&A video:
