Propaganda, Two Types Currently Being Used In America

This post aims at informing 2021 US citizens of the types of propaganda presently being employed to keep them uninformed while a coup is happening.

The first video below discusses a subtle form of propaganda that controls its subjects via affording them the pleasures they seek:  drugs, movies, pornography, etc.; Aldous Huxley discussed this type in his Brave New World, mid 20th century.

During the past 70 years, this type of propaganda has been perfected and applied broadly in the western world.

If you have seen the movie Matrix, then you got a glimpse of a fantastic way in which this type of brainwashing could be used. Today, it is being fostered by psychotropic medications; legalization of marijuana; opioids; smart phones – video games, social media…. Furthermore, lockdowns have created a scenario that enhances this form of mind control.

The second video is about a more overt type of propaganda which was formerly used by the Soviet Union; and is currently used by China, North Korea… It is explained by a man who lived in Russia most of his life. He described its horrors and how it was / is promoted to unsuspecting peoples.

While he was a soldier, he got a reality check as he witnessed the brutality of communism first hand; in other words, his brain washing / social conditioning, that made the ideology of communism seem good, was sufficiently undone, such that he began to question it.  Afterwards, he began to meditate upon the suffering and evil that communism created; you will be surprised at how he came to view “truth,” and what ideologies he took hold of inevitably.

I have to say that the first form of propaganda still has a hold on me. I have long escaped the hardships of the mundane, work-a-day world via movies, and other diversions… and I didn’t consider, until recently, that someone could be using these things to keep me in a state of apathy, indifference, inebriation… uninformed; unarmed with truth.

From Brave New World:




This second form of propaganda can be seen in China and N. Korea presently; furthermore, many of our government officials are very friendly with China (whom Trump opposed), that should worry all of us, especially since Biden has been compromised by them to the tune of 1.5 billion dollars that his son received (to perform unknown services).

It is not unrealistic to suspect that this type of control of the masses may be coming to a neighborhood near us very soon. It can already be seen in the loss of free speech; massive censorship by mainstream and social medias; threatening of second amendment rights; mandatory lockdowns; double standard regarding the rule of law; the squelching of conservative voices….

In video 2,  Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn tells his story of escaping the Soviet Gulags, the place dissenters were exiled. (China imprisons its dissenters, harvests their organs….)



Both videos are from the YouTube site: Academy of Ideas

For other similar posts in this blog, see, Categories: Propaganda Exposed (earliest posts); Progressive Govt. / Socialism / Communism (earliest posts).