Progressive Leftist Democratic Leadership Is Being Showcased Across The Nation: Is That What Your Family Wants?

The following 11 minute Ingraham Angle, shows footage and tweets by progressive leftist politicians about the chaos in their cities.

They do not know how to regain control; while they continue to maintain their politically correct stance and support the Marxist radical criminal mobs, their cities are burning.

The left has seemingly been using radicals to hurt our president in every way they can, but they have presently lost control of their mobs; meanwhile, they continue to bow down and prostrate before BLM and other radical leftist groups who are burning their way towards a power grab.

Make sure you read the tweets about the radicals with AK-47s and store owners guarding their shops with shotguns: That is a clear picture of what will continue to unfold as the democrats defund police agencies in their burning cities.

What sane person would want to live in a war zone?

What sane person would re-elect a government official that pretends to be oblivious to such a family-hostile environment?

Furthermore, these weak leaders apparently don’t care if your property is torched, looted, destroyed, etc.



Walmart and other businesses are likely not going to rebuild in these war torn leftist democratic run cities.

I wonder how many small businesses and families will be leaving for conservative run cities?

Even though polls show that the majority of Americans are opposed to “defunding police,” progressive leftist politicians still support the idea.


They are afraid to stand against political correctness. Perhaps you don’t know that p c is social Marxism. It is.

FYI, below is a 10 minute video showing the mass exodus from California because of their high taxes; enmity towards small business, police and faith based organizations; high cost of living; high crime rates…due to progressive leftist democratic leadership.

Nancy Pelosi’s city has the highest crime rate in CA. Yet she continues to spend her time on every hoax dems can devise to hurt president Trump; that is, she is neglecting the work she was elected to perform.



To see posts on political correctness, see: Categories: Progressive Govt. / Socialism / Communism; and Propaganda Exposed.