‘Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices’ by Thomas Brooks [Overview by Banner of Truth]

In the 3-minute video of this post, Warren Peel, of Banner of Truth Publishing, provides an overview of Thomas Brooks’ book, Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices. Since my next post will be on that book, I thought this video would more fully explain the subject matter of Brooks’ book.



The following link is to the video page of Banner of Truth at YouTube, from where the above video came. There are a lot of conferences with pastors such as Steven Lawson.


The following narrative and links accompanied this video at YouTube:

1,446 views  Aug 6, 2021  #PuritanPaperback60

‘It takes effort, still, to resist temptation by the grace of God. But having the devil’s “playbook” gives us a huge advantage.’

