The following sermon by Voddie Baucham addresses topics that I have spent a year posting about: the nature of original sin; our helplessness in our own strength; the necessity of abiding in God’s appointed means of grace; the necessity of sitting under biblical teaching….

I was surprised to hear Dr. Baucham state that he came into the reformed church the same way I did, by studying scripture. He was led to teaching that aligned with the Bible.

He addresses much that is of concern to those who are striving to walk with God. I pray that you find the sermon worthy of noting and meditating upon.

A dear friend sent me a link for this sermon and I have to use his words to describe it, “powerful.”



Dr. Baucham is presently affiliated with Ligonier Ministries. His bio is attached to a sermon excerpt I posted some months back: see, categories, Mysticism, the post is about Emotionalism, intellectualism….


The following posts in this blog contain information that is inlign with this sermon:

***The Beatitude Life posts (see categories to find each topic listed herein). Christ’s description of True Kingdom Citizens is the beatitudes; therefore, if you cannot by observation and self-examination see that, for example, poverty of spirit and mourning for sin are being worked in you by God’s Spirit, then something is terribly wrong with your walk. Those posts give many helps for identifying these things. I am presently working on a new series on the beatitudes using sermon excerpts to define and explain the beatitudes.

***Psalm 119:25 recent post

***Gospel message posts

***God’s Appointed Means of Grace (see, Archives, February 2019)


***Christian Meditation: many of those posts are titled Walking with God, the Way of Self vs the Way of God: they are about identifying and dealing with forms of selfishness (almost all of our sin derives from honoring self above God; the way of God is via self-denial)

***Books to Read

***Bible Key Word Study

***Church Community

***Lust: posts herein are about sexual temptation and spiritual warfare