NYC Coronavirus: One Reason NYC Was So Unprepared

The 4 very brief videos below show Governor Cuomo, Mayor de blasio and other NY government officials mocking those in the US who took the coronavirus as a serious threat; they encouraged NYC citizens to partake of social events that would inevitably endanger their lives.

The first 5 minute video covers the entire topic; subsequent videos provide examples of the mockery by NY government officials followed by those same officials realizing they had seriously misinformed their citizenry; subsequently, they attempted to get in step with the president’s task force on the coronavirus.

What could have been their motives? Tucker addresses that too.



In the following video, mayor de Blasio seems to be blaming president Trump for problems in the city he is responsible for managing. He is not mocking the seriousness of the coronavirus any longer:



In the following video excerpt, governor Cuomo is downplaying the seriousness of the coronavirus during mid March, 2020:

(I cut of the initial 7 minutes of the following video, so many of Stu’s jokes don’t make sense, to see how the fake news media had been praising governor Cuomo for his leadership amid this crisis, skip this video and see the last 5th video below; anyone might have believed those lies had they not seen the other videos in this post that indicate NYC’s govt. officials mocking the presidential task force on the virus very recently.)



The following short video is governor Cuomo seriously addressing the coronavirus crises, seemingly forgetting he’d been mocking it earlier in the week:



The following 12 minute video is Stu Does America’s full story about the misinformation campaign of the fake news media regarding governor Cuomo:



Readers might wonder why political news is in a religious blog, it is because I am increasingly troubled by the lies I see all around me. That includes propaganda, fake news, political correctness and so on.

I have recently posted a lot of videos on leftist politics, socialism, communism, and political correctness in this blog because it seems that many voters, in particular the young, are easily misled by promises of free tuition, free this and that.

The left seems to promise many free things to certain people groups so that they might have a guaranteed voter base. They do not seem to care about those people, but just their votes (otherwise, would so many thousands of tent dwellers live in CA?). And those free things have made some cities and states very unaffordable for all but the wealthy, and those living in tents and government housing.

Why is that? Because someone has to pay for that free stuff; the working middle class and the working poor.

To see a very clear illustration of what I am describing, see, Categories: Progressive Govt. / Socialism / Communism: the post is Why are Millions Leaving California….

In that category, there are also posts on the Marxist political correctness that so dominates in this society.

The desire to align with the political correctness mafia was obvious in the Tucker Carlson video that opened this post.


For more information in this blog, of various sorts of propaganda thriving in 2020, see, Categories: Propaganda Exposed.

The movie, There’s No Place Like Utopia, by Joel Gilbert, free to Amazon Prime members, illustrates this matter very well. That is how I came to understand this problem.