Marxists and Christians Described In Terms Of Values, Convictions, Conduct….

Since Americans have become more aware of the various groups that presently subscribe to Marxism, I wanted to note only the most obvious points about Marxism; points that have occurred to me as I have watched news events over the past year or so.

I am deeply troubled that so few care about facts, truth…, and God; but are quick to follow the latest trend dictated by changes in the state-approved narrative and its means of adherence, political correctness.

The following list specifies values, behaviors, beliefs, convictions…of Marxists and Christians; the list is not complete.


  • Are anti God; Anti Christ; anti- any form of spiritual worship
  • Anti family
  • Anti personal property
  • Anti freedom of thought, speech, behavior (see the bill of rights and constitution for all the other personal freedoms they oppose)
  • They worship Marx / communism as seen in strict adherence to political correctness
  • How is political correctness a means of worshipping Marx?
  • For example, in the Christian community, individuals are supposed to confront sin when it is noticed; brothers are to speak truth in love, identifying the sin and calling for repentance by the sinner
  • This same thing happens in the Marxist community; adherents of Marxism notice when one of their fellows is not aligned with the narrative and that person is punished, shunned, critiqued, doxxed… they punish him BECAUSE he has deviated from behavior deemed to be righteous by Marx; that behavior is objectively / subjectively apparent in whatever is currently political correct
  • Remember, the Communist Manifesto contains all the rules of the Marxist religion; the Narrative derives from the CM; Political Correctness is achieved by being aligned with the Narrative (which frequently changes, but still derives from the CM); THEREFORE, a Marxist is deemed ‘good’ when ‘they’ are in line with the narrative, or in other words, politically correct
  • What is the communist narrative? It is not based on facts or truth (as defined by God or even science), but it is the official, state-approved message that all are required to believe – it is based on the CM
  • What happens if one disagrees the slightest bit from the politically approved narrative? That person is punished by being cancelled, doxxed…; or imprisoned in a facility that teaches correct thinking, as in China, today: Uigarts, e.g. are raped, beaten; cruelly treated; have their organs harvested after they’ve been wounded and are half dead…for dissenting from the approved state narrative
  • Is the CCP an extreme form of Marxism compared with past Marxist regimes?    No.   Although Marxists claim to be for the common person in that they want people to have all their needs met, to be equal in every way; and to experience a utopia on earth; they killed over a hundred million people in the 20th century by firing squad [dissenters], starvation and other means of cruelty
  • Have Marxist regimes killed any people in the 21st century? Yes, the CCP has been harvesting organs from innocent people who have been imprisoned for disagreeing with the state-approved narrative, their only crime. An unknown number have died, but since it has been occurring all of this century, it is likely a substantial number. (Yet the NBA…are aligned with the CCP for financial reasons; and everyone who is for globalism seeks alignment with the CCP – that is a substantial number of organizations and individuals in the US)
  • Venezuela’s Marxists regime turned a prosperous country into an ash heap in a very brief period – go to YouTube for testimonials and warnings
  • Marxists are currently dividing the US with political correctness and critical race theory: these theories are designed to bring down the US via internal conflict (by external conflict, war destroys a nation)
  • Why are they succeeding? Because many are afraid to challenge the state approved narrative; they have seen the pain it causes, the loss of employment; of friends…
  • Because many have been tricked into believing that the Marxists actually will create a utopia
  • Because many believe that groups like BLM are helping Blacks and minorities; they are not; do some personal investigation and you will discover the truth – they are a Marxist group and have the same values as do the CCP and all former Marxist regimes

Are you a Marxist?

Not sure?

Here is a sure way to tell, do you bow down to political correctness, adhering to the state-approved message (to keep from being punished, or because you believe their vain utopian fantasies)?

If you do, then own up to being a Marxist!

You cannot be a Marxist and a Christian.


If you are a Christian that adheres to the state-approved narrative (devoid of facts and truth) by way of adhering to political correctness, then something must change; either you must stand up for truth or quit calling yourself a Christian; but call yourself a Marxist, which is what you are because you are worshipping Marx via his means of worship as defined above.


  • Believe there is a God who created the universe and has given information about Himself in the Bible; that He might be known and worshipped
  • That the Bible contains instructions about how to live; how to relate to Him and to other humans; that it contains absolute truth established and deemed so by God
  • That the family is composed of a married man and woman who have children together
  • That the family is to have property, a home, a livelihood…that honors God, according to the Bible
  • That one is permitted to defend himself and his family
  • That one is to submit to the authority of the government that God has placed over him unless that government contradicts God’s holy standards
  • That one is to seek truth and learn how to speak the truth in love; respecting other human beings because they were made in God’s image, per the Bible
  • That one is to get along with other human beings to the best of his ability
  • That one is to allow other human beings to make their own choices; that those choices will be rewarded or punished by the rule of law (upheld by a nation that honors God – the US has strayed from the rule of law because leaders have displaced God from the public square, they think they can rule themselves [see Romans 1]; hence, they do not punish criminals…their lenient democratic laws do not hold criminals accountable, but release them the same day they were booked on charges, even bank robbery; but these same governors punish law-abiding citizens for protecting their property…)

I could probably add a lot more to each list if I spent more time on this post.

I am weary of seeing so many bow down and worship Marx via political correctness; acquaintances, government officials, corporate executives….

During the election, President Trump and a handful of other politicians stood for truth and spoke accordingly (I don’t mean all of them were completely honest; I mean that they opposed the NARRATIVE and voiced their opinions and upheld rule of law as best as they could). And although many forms of fraud were articulated by witnesses and experts (who were busy standing for truth at a high personal cost), no one in authority did anything about it – again, cowards or Marxists themselves?

The Marxist utopian vision has never been realized in a 150 years of trying at great cost in terms of human lives.

Here are some questions to ask yourself if you are undecided:

  • Do I value personal freedoms such as freedom of speech?
  • Do I want to own property?
  • Do I believe in individual responsibility? Or do I think it is good to financially support lazy people who would rather lay back and collect a check deducted from my wages? [it is good to care for widows and orphans…]
  • Do I want the freedom to choose to believe in God and to worship Him?
  • Do I want to seek truth, pursue happiness…, or is adhering to the NARRATIVE sufficient for me?
  • Do I want to see political debates that take facts and truth into consideration before coming to a decision; or is it okay with me that the state dictate and define truth for me?
  • Do I want to live in a safe community wherein criminals are punished appropriately for breaking laws that I am abiding by?
  • Do I want to live in the midst of a bunch of lawbreakers that may harm my family at any time? [That is what a lot of inner cities are like because thugs are above the law and terrorize law abiding citizens; in the Bible, laws were designed to protect citizens – the democratic leftist communist mayors and governors got busy when the mob came to their doorsteps, not until; that is, your safety was of no concern to them, even though that is one of their responsibilities]

One cannot know integrity and self-respect by compromising what he / she knows to be true. And if you are too young and inexperienced to understand what that means, then you will never know if you subscribe to Marxism for any reason short of a whole-hearted personal commitment.

(I have to add: In the latter case, your commitment to their unrealistic and empty utopian fantasies would result in nothing but heartache, as it has for 100s of millions who were tricked by other Marxists.)

For an account of one who lived under communism for 60 years, listen to the following 11 minute video:



For other similar posts, see Categories: Progressive Govt. / Socialism / Communism; Propaganda Exposed; Human Rights Violations and others.
