Listen to What Australians Are Saying About Covid 19 and Lockdowns

There are many Americans who agree with the sentiments expressed by the following Australian News Anchor. It seems that certain politicians are taking advantage of covid in Australia, as democrats are in this country.



The words of Dr. Sabhlok reflect republican views in this country, I can easily hear Trump’s words in his sentiments and reasons for resigning. Furthermore, I also hear the overreaching tentacles of our progressive left in the those Australian government officials who want to control every aspect of their citizens lives.

It seems that Australia also has a political party that wants to rule like a totalitarian government rules; like the Marxists in the US are striving diligently to stamp out our freedoms.

For similar posts in this blog, see Categories: Progressive Govt. / Socialism / Communism; Propaganda Exposed; Social Justice / Identity politics.