In My Walk With Christ, Do I know True Humility?

In the following 10 minute reading of Calvin’s Institutes, biblical humility is clearly explained, such that one might begin moving in that direction in his relationship with Christ.

The reading is from book 3, chapter 12 of the Institutes, relating to contemplating the “judgment seat of God.”

If you have doubts about what it is to be humble or just how much humility you must possess to have a biblical relationship with the Lord, then you should benefit from hearing the reading.

I have to say that no one I know seems to understand his own depravity in a biblical manner. That is, if you think well of yourself, believe you’re a good person whose walking well with the Lord…then you are likely missing the biblical mark of humility.

The excerpt is the 1st video below. The second video is a 25 minute read of the entire chapter 12 with contents preceding the text; the last video is a 16 minute reading of chapter 13, which goes on in a similar way, with a bit more specificity: two things to be observed….



Video 2, chapter 12 in its entirety:



Video 3, chapter 13 in its entirety:



There are many posts on sin, mortification of sin, etc., in this blog because I have discovered, through Bible study, that one really doesn’t get to far in the Christian life without delving deeply into his own sinfulness; owning it, confessing it to God and to the necessary humans.

The Lord’s Spirit, via the means of grace continues to humble believers, starting before the new birth and thereafter, until glorification. (The means of grace are Bible reading, prayer, hearing the gospel preached, the Lord’s supper, and fellowship with Christians around the word via Bible study.)

A mature Christian is one who sees his sins as being more heinous now than he did at the beginning of his walk.

That is, sins are not done away with, by obedience… but only at glorification; the means of grace and the Holy Spirit’s application of Christ to a believer enable him to GROW IN UNDERSTANDING OF his depravity, and God’s holiness, goodness….

Therefore, If you do not abide in the means of grace and are unaware of your depravity, then you are either not a Christian or you are in declension. If you are the latter, then God’s Spirit will be chastening you, so that you are moved to seek Him and learn to depend upon Him.

A study of the Sermon on the Mount would tell you all of the above, but it is found throughout the Bible (see 2 Samuel chapter 11 and 12 regarding David and Bathsheba: the Lord sent Nathan to David, initiating the process of repentance for David because he was backsliding after those sins of adultery and murder).

For other video readings from Calvin’s Institutes, see, Categories: Calvin’s Institutes. Examine other topics in Categories for subjects of interest.