Hungering and Thirsting for Righteousness: a sermon excerpt with relevant examples

While I was reviewing sermons on the beatitudes today, by Dr. Nelson Kloosterman, I heard some very meaningful examples concerning the daily Christian walk.

Dr. Kloosterman illustrates the difference between the righteousness of Christ (that is worked in us by God’s Spirit) vs the righteousness of the Pharisees; he succinctly states how the law increases a growing Christian’s hunger for righteousness; and he talks about why a Christian of 20 years…will hate his sins more than he did when he began his Christian walk.

I cut a 15 minute segment from the sermon which is posted first, below; the entire 48 minute sermon is posted afterwards, for those who would like to hear it.




I thought this sermon was important because it addresses the role of the law in the born-again Christian’s life. Furthermore, Dr. Kloosterman addresses the Christian struggle, how God blesses with righteousness, but He also provides experiences in our lives (providence) that cause us to fall when we are depending upon our own strength and our own righteousness.

Moreover, Dr. Kloosterman emphasizes that righteousness is a gift given by the Holy Spirit because of Christ’s work and righteous life; it is not something that can be earned, as the Pharisees vainly sought to do.

I discovered the sermons of Dr. Nelson Kloosterman on while I was studying the beatitudes.