How Should Christians Respond to the Riots? Dr. John MacArthur

Dr. MacArthur clarified biblical Christian values, and reminded Christians of their priorities in the midst of this cultural chaos; he called them back to a position of faith: trusting in God and His sovereignty, instead of what they are seeing.  

During his sermon, I discovered that appearances had indeed, distracted and distressed me; and caused me to feel powerless; that is, I was focused on “fixing” this sin-sick world; something that, I had temporarily forgotten, only God can do, according to the Bible.

He also reminded Christians that we are called to be ambassadors: to be reconciled to God and to enable others to be so too, via the gospel.

Dr. MacArthur used many passages of scripture to bring listeners back to resting in faith and not in sight.

The sermon is highlighted below. But you cannot be blessed by merely reading these highlights.

If you have been distressed by the lawlessness of the rioters and the weak response of governors and mayors; if you feel powerless and are struggling with what you might personally do to restore order, how you should vote, whether you should buy a gun…then this sermon may enable you to again rest in God and His promises (which is possible if you are truly born again).

Therefore, this sermon is very much worth listening to carefully, possibly noting and meditating upon.

Sermon Highlights:

  • BLM’s values and tenets are identified
  • The biblical believer’s values are stated
  • It is determined that a true believer cannot espouse BLM, as their values are antithetical to the Bible
  • Some possible responses are considered, but listeners are reminded, from scripture, that only God can change hearts; that is, legislation cannot…
  • This society, and BLM have eroded away the following restraining forces: 1) The restraint of law that God placed in the hearts and minds of people – their consciences are hardened; 2) the restraint of family has been removed by the sexual revolution …; 3) the restraint of church has been corrupted by all the false gospels (we are presently seeing a re-emergence of the social gospel, being propounded by Christians who would do something to remedy society’s ills; the social gospel is a false gospel); and 4) BLM and progressives are working to remove the last social restraint of the police (see Romans 13, for example, to see that God has given leaders the sword of protection and we are to submit to such authorities; the power they have is from God, and rebels against God are trying to remove that last stop – I was reminded of 2 Thessalonian’s, wherein is stated that the man of lawlessness will prevail when restraints are removed)
  • Put your hope in God by living a simple godly life, obeying and loving God and your neighbor as yourself; and submitting to the governing authorities that God has established; proclaiming the gospel message which you have been sent to do

Again, my words cannot bless you like Dr. MacArthur’s sermon; he used more scripture than he typically does in a sermon.

Have your Bible nearby as you will want to follow along by hearing the scriptures he reads and unpacks, regarding these times.



The recent post on social justice and the gospel is also highly worthy of hearing as the members of the panel bring to light some deeper matters about BLM and the trendy church, issues that most have not considered.

That is, all the men on the panel have been studying social justice for a long time, 20 years or so for most, and have come to some deep insights about it; furthermore, these men are all seasoned pastors or Christian educators…and have a deep understanding of the Bible, the Christian worldview and the obedient Christian life; therefore, their insights are highly worthy of hearing if you want to continue in your walk with the Lord as an obedient servant of the Lord; and not be distracted, distressed and derailed into inactivity in your Christian life.

The above sermon and the discussion panel post, bolster one another.

For other posts in this blog about progressives; Marxists; paganism…see, Categories: Progressive Govt. / Socialism / Communism; Propaganda Exposed; Paganism / Neo-Paganism; and examine the topics in Categories for other concerns and interests.

The series on Paganism in this blog examines how the satanist, Aleister Crowley and several other key figures in the 20th century worked successfully to morally erode society; via the sexual revolution; the drug revolution; opposition to Christianity, etc.

See the first two posts for foundational information about the harmful impact of the resurgence of Paganism, via Crowley’s movement. But other posts indicate that the sacrament of this emerging Paganism is androgyny; that is, the sexual revolution, the LGBTQ revolution is going to end in androgyny. 

The series is an effort to articulate some of the ideas in the book by Dr. Peter Jones: The Other Worldview: Exposing Christianity’s Greatest Threat.