Holiness: J. C. Ryle, an audio book reading on Sin

This audiobook reading of the chapter on sin from J. C. Ryle’s book: Holiness: Its nature, Hindrances, Difficulties, and Roots, was uploaded from the YouTube site, Christian Sermons and Audio Books. The following two paragraphs were copied and pasted from the site, they describe Ryle and his book:

…”This work is a study of holiness, or Christian perfection. Ryle works to debunk many of the popular beliefs of his day concerning holiness. Reviewers praise his balance of honest, tough-love messages and compassionate, pastoral care. An intense but readable book, Holiness has been inspiration for living a Christian life for over a century.”

“Today, more than a hundred years after his passing, Ryle’s works stand at the crossroads between the historic faith and modern evangelicalism. Like signposts, they direct us to the ‘old paths.’ And, like signposts, they are meant to be read.” “He [J.C. Ryle] was great through the abounding grace of God. He was great in stature; great in mental power; great in spirituality; great as a preacher and expositor of God’s most holy Word; great in hospitality; great as a writer of Gospel tracts; great as a Bishop of the Reformed Evangelical Protestant Church in England, of which he was a noble defender; great as first Bishop of Liverpool. I am bold to say, that perhaps few men in the nineteenth century did as much for God, for truth, and for righteousness, among the English speaking race, and in the world, as our late Bishop.” ~ Rev. Richard Hobson, three days after Ryle’s burial in 1900.

The reading is from the unabridged version. There is a Moody Classics version which is abridged.

The following video is the second of 23 readings of Ryles book on Holiness. It deals with sin. 


The following 14 minute video is the first of 4 readings about the chapter on holiness from Ryle’s book. The other three videos, of similar length, are available on YouTube if you should desire to listen to them.



Ryle’s work seems to be confronting the modernism that Spurgeon also confronted in the late 19th century in his “downgrade” controversy writings. (See, categories, Man-Centered Spirituality for two posts on this topic.)


The site, Christian Sermons and Audio Books, has many sermons by Spurgeon and other significant men of the faith; it is worthy of exploration.