“God Loves Everyone Unconditionally” R. C. Sproul Explains How People Typically Hear Those Words

The following 5 minute statement by R.C. Sproul reveals the problems that preachers create by making such statements about God’s love.

If you have heard this statement and have found comfort in it, then please spend 5 minutes of your time listening to a biblical examination of the problems that derive from these words.



I found several such videos as the above, via a recommendation of YouTube while I was listening Jeff Mayfield. Sproul’s excerpted comment was posted by #AskLigonier, apparently it is a program offered by Ligonier Ministries, to whom I am subscribed at YouTube.

Ligonier Ministries has much on YouTube, they strive to address every aspect of the Christian faith; there are many biblical preachers affiliated with this ministry; so, if you want to learn the Bible and hear biblical preaching, then you would benefit by subscribing.