For The Pro Marxist Of The Cancel Culture, a Reality Check!

NoThe following two news reports discuss many topics unfolding currently on the international stage. Therein, the pro Marxist in America can get a glimpse of what life would be like under socialism (there are also recent posts on Venezuela in this blog, to enable an accurate perspective of life under Marxism).

Note: from the 18 minute mark of the following video, interviewee, Elmer Yuen, talked about “transfer of power” in a communist regime. Elements of his description were seen in the transfer of power from the Obama to the Trump administrations: the Russian collusion hoax (indictments are about ready to be carried out); and also the impeachment hoax. In the latter hoax, democrats were very secretive about the process of their agenda, revealing it suddenly after it had been mostly carried out.

The democrats are leftists, and so are Marxists.



The following video is also of recent news events: one may gain much information about how citizens are treated under socialism:



The following 3 minute video talks about the current situation with the Three Gorges Dam in China: 400 million people reside in harm’s way, more than the entire population of the USA:



The following 5 minute video is about China’s global agenda. It was only referred to by name in the above videos:



Crossroads is a special division of the Epoch Times News: see their YouTube site and subscribe to be kept up to date on such news. Their reporting is honest and the investigators actually go out and investigate. Not like, e.g., the NYT who would print news releases they receive from the CCP.

For more posts in this blog about socialist regimes or related topics, see Categories: Progressive Govt. / Socialism / Communism; and Propaganda Exposed.

Please examine the categories for other topics of interest.