Five National Matters Upon Which Republicans And Democrats Greatly Disagree Were Recently Discussed At College Campuses

Charlie Kirk interviewed groups of students about the following topics: the wall; the constitution; ICE and immigration; the Muller report, and how the mainstream media falsely reported that process; and the gender issue.

Highlights of Kirk’s discussion:

  • A matter of facts, pro wall: a) illegal aliens are two times more likely to commit crimes than citizens; b) 90% of all heroin and fentanyl enter the USA through the southern border; over 10 thousand children are yearly sex trafficked across the southern border; 56,000 illegal immigrants are in federal prison and countless are in state penitentiaries — costing American taxpayers $135 billion per year
  • A matter of fairness, pro wall: a) it is not fair to people in Bolivia, Bangladesh, Belarus…that have to wait in line, fill out an application, not commit a crime for 10 years…to come to America to earn a chance to become a citizen; while others steal their way into America, bypassing all those criteria
  • A matter of sovereignty, pro wall: Consider the differences between, for example, north and south Korea; north and south Vietnam — they are divided because of worldviews, belief systems; they each are sovereign over their territory. Kirk stated some differences between the US and Mexico and that it is a good idea that we exercise sovereignty over our territory
  • The constitution: A questioner stated that the constitution is racist and gave several examples of that which Kirk showed to be wrong (she was apparently going from hearsay and not facts that she had, for example, discovered by studying the document).
  • The amendment process, its greatness
  • The history of the republican party, which stood against slavery and racism; while the democratic party was and is pro slavery (it’s theories still denigrate minorities, making them believe they need a crutch to be equal – see second brief video for an explanation); additionally, that indigenous peoples have been mistreated by the democratic party
  • The constitution offers freedoms to all of the diverse peoples of this nation
  • Kirk noted that the founding fathers were imperfect, sinful people; but the document is not
  • ICE: Immigration / Customs / Enforcement: it was started after 911 to deal with terrorists: they, for example, go after gangs like MS -13; sex traffickers; people who overstay their visas: Hungarians; Indonesians; and Japanese, he cited as examples
  • Democratic politicians often stir up their followers by blaming ICE for wrongly dealing with illegal aliens
  • The Muller investigation was thoroughly explained by Kirk: he gave specific details that have been coming out in several current investigations that have uncovered evidence that the Hillary Clinton campaign colluded with others to go after Trump and his campaign with the intention to oust him from office. Obama and several of his people approved the measures the FBI and others took to build a false case against Trump. The Russia Hoax, Ukraine hoax and impeachment hoaxes were all attempts to oust and elected president. Keep your eye on Fox News; Epoch Times or NTD and you will see more government players being charged with crimes for their involvement in these hoaxes. Five officials had been charged as of January 2020; and 25 Russians. I am not sure what the current number is, but Barr’s investigations are just beginning to unfold [therefore, Pelosi, Schiff and comrades spent 3 years neglecting their own jobs and trying to bring down president Trump while he was busy doing his job — and the fake news agencies played a big part in these hoaxes, as they are the arm of the progressive left]
  • Four major news agencies wrote 1800 articles supporting the above hoaxes: USA Today; The Washington Post; The LA Times and the New York Times
  • The Muller Investigation (which was knowingly founded on lies and a false warrant) cost the American taxpayers over 30 million dollars and many hours time of elected officials that were neglecting their jobs while they participated in this hoax
  • Genders: Kirk asked a college student how many genders there are and she provided an answer she said was based on science — he said there are xx and xy. After a few moments, the video ended



The following 5 minute video by Dr. Carol Swain explains that the Republican party has always been the party of freedom and that the Democratic party was the party of slavery, and is so to date; despite their propaganda and their critical race theories that say otherwise:



For other similar posts in this blog, see: Categories: Progressive Govt. / Socialism / Communism; Social Justice / Identity Politics; and Propaganda Exposed.