Democrats Are In A Cult, Says Rose McGowan, Former Cult Member

The 4 minute Sky News Australia video below summarizes a Fox News interview with actress / activist Rose McGowan.

She stated that she grew up in a cult and because of that, she can recognize cult-like propaganda and control techniques. She sees the democratic party using such techniques as they masquerade as helpers and caretakers of the groups they claim to uphold…. That is, her skill set has given her insight that most do not have.



Her call for people to examine themselves to see which part of their belief system is ‘organic’ [from family, tradition, personal discovery…] and what part was put there by media [brainwashing, propaganda…] was great; considering we are currently being heavily censored while our media and social media are pumping out propaganda just like a third-world communist country; they are pumping out propaganda to support the political machinations of the democratic left, which seems bent on installing a communist regime in our country….

I applaud her and hope such reality checks begin to trend; that many become really awake from their former wokeness.

Featured Image: Captured from Sky News video