DEBATE: Should the Red States Secede?

I trust the members of the panel discussing the notion of secession from the union of the states.

Apparently, this panel was conducting a conference of some kind (linked below) and a man from the audience presented the question about session from the union.

Discussion panel: Jeremy Boreing, Ben Shapiro, Candace Owens, Michael Knowles, Matt Walsh, and Andrew Klavan discuss the political divide and the differences in red and blue states.

They don’t come to any specific resolution, but in the process of their debate, they talk about matters of concern to all Americans who want to be safe in their communities, who want their children to be educated by teachers who have morals and who teach subjects of value….

This country is split, seemingly in half, I happen to oppose the democratic leftist Marxist machine and value what people like those in the following debate have to say.



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