Dangers Of The New Age: An Interview with Doreen Virtue

Doreen Virtue was born again in 2017, prior to that, she spent 25 years as a New Age teacher and author. She was one of the most published authors for Hay House Publishing; and had appeared on Oprah, The View, and CNN, for example.

However, since being converted, she has focused on warning her former followers and Christians, as she sees many New Age influences in the church.

Some of the topics that come up in the following 58 minute interview are witchcraft; yoga; meditation; feminism; crystals; self-love; and other aspects of the New Age worldview she sees in the current church.

That is, Christians can benefit from hearing Doreen Virtue’s perspective of how the aforementioned aspects of New Age spirituality are infiltrating and impacting the church.




If you found the above interview interesting, I highly recommend the YouTube sites of each of these women for many more topics that are relevant to Christianity in our time; the women’s movement; Yoga; liberalism; feminism; socialism; New Age related issues….

YouTube site for Allie Stuckey: Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey

YouTube site for Doreen Virtue: Doreen Virtue for Jesus