Cultural Marxism; Explained by Dr. Voddie Baucham

Dr. Baucham’s 53 minute lecture aimed at explaining how cultural Marxism is playing out in the cultural / political arena today, particularly within democratic-socialist party and the universities.

He introduced a couple of terms that aren’t in other videos on Marxism in this blog: hegemony and intersectionality. Before Dr. Baucham’s lecture, I have provided a brief definition and a 5 minute video that will make his lecture more understandable.

Hegemony is political or cultural dominance or authority over others. The hegemony of the popular kids over the other students means that they determine what is and is not cool;  hegemony is also the term for the leading group or nation itself. During the American Revolution, colonists fought to throw off the British hegemony.


In American society, white, male, heterosexual, cisgendered, able-bodied, native-born people are the established group in power. They are therefore, the oppressors.

Dr. Baucham stated in his lecture, that the population of women in this country is greater than men, yet they claim minority status.

How can that be?

For a couple of reasons: white, heterosexual men…are that hegemonic group that is in power. Therefore, all other groups can claim to be oppressed by them because the men are the trendsetters, the shot-callers, the status quo. 

The term intersectionality is another dimension of this minority status. For instance, when the following categories are considered, one may qualify for minority status based on 2 or more groups: race, gender, sexual orientation, class, religion, nationality, and age.

So, a black, female, transgender, Islamic, Palestinian is being oppressed in all of these five areas. Her minority victim status is very high. 

In the following 4 minute video, Ben Shapiro explains this term and how it fits into the whole social oppression…that democrats are always talking about at rallys and in politics:



The following lecture by Dr. Baucham focuses on how democrats (and all who subscribe to it) are using social Marxism to change culture.

He also addresses appropriate Christian responses to this phenomenon. (I cut the initial 14 minutes off the video because he spent a lot of that time justifying his lecturing of this topic – as it is a sensitive matter in our society, if you want to hear that portion, search Cultural marxism Voddie Baucham.)