Could Politicians in the West Persecute Their Own People?

Could Politicians in the West Persecute their own People?

I’m posting the following video because the Marxist democrat political left is actually trying to make America a communist nation; and this transition is close to the point of no return.

There are some reasons to hope that it can be resisted if a sufficient number of regular citizens begin involving themselves in local politics.  Read some of the Agenda Weekly posts for ideas, as Curtis Bowers is providing information about how the left’s agenda can be seen in the daily news.

The following video clarifies the process by which a totalitarian government roots itself in a nation. The political left aims to destabilize the US so that a totalitarian government might be installed.

Highlights from the video [bracketed statements are mine]:

*Although mankind has never created heaven on earth, they have frequently created hell on earth

*Some examples of hell on earth that occurred in the 20th century include the Gulags of the Soviet Union; killing fields of Cambodia; Nazi concentration camps; genocide of the Tutsis in Rwanda; cultural revolution in China

*The power-hungry leaders of those revolutions killed millions of people [I have heard estimations of between 80 and 150 million civilians and soldiers]

*[Our world’s largest Marxist nation, China, is currently imprisoning innocent people who dissent from the required state ideological narrative.  While in prison, their organs are harvested; they are used as slaves for China’s supply chain; they are raped, tortured…]

*What kinds of factors promote the rise of a totalitarian regime in a nation?

*Rod Dreher: A totalitarian society is one wherein an ideology seeks to displace all prior traditions and institutions with the goal of bringing all aspects of society under the control of that ideology.

*A totalitarian state is one that aspires to nothing less than defining and controlling reality

*To do so, it mobilizes all the mechanisms of the state via top-down control

*Surveillance is used

*All aspects of life become politicized

*Nazism was the ideology that drove totalitarian Germany; Fascism, Italy; and communism in parts of Europe and Asia

*The new totalitarian ideology of today in the western world is built on the belief that at the current population levels, human beings are parasitic creatures; and if allowed to be free, will run roughshod over mother earth

*Harmony can be returned to our planet and eco disaster averted if certain politicians are granted the power to control our lives: what we eat; the types of energy we use; our recreation time; number of children; travel frequency and destinations…

*Will we allow another group of sick minds to do to us what prior totalitarian regimes have done to millions?

*What factors have caused all former totalitarian regimes to devolve into killing machines?

*They view the common person as vermin [examples in America include, “deplorables”]

*Since totalitarian rulers tend to see the masses as unnecessary for the realization of their utopian goals, they have no problem using harsh means to obtain control of them [in the past, starvation, genocide, firing squad…]

*Totalitarian leaders tend to judge moral issue through a utilitarian lense [for example, the democratic party believes it is useful to promote abortion… to get votes]

*Totalitarian leaders justify their actions by claiming these are for “the greater good;” simultaneously, individual rights are trampled upon

*[the constitution provided individual rights which will be lost to all if the left successfully takes control of this nation – the right to own and protect property is a much taken-for-granted privilege that may soon be gone]

*Iain McGilchrist: leaders who possess the above characteristics also express reduced aversion to harming others, diminished empathy and increased psychoticism

*They are Machiavellian-like

*Such characteristics are found in psychopaths

*A deluded true believer of utopian ideology views himself as a super being, seeing the world as overpopulated, and judging moral issues through a utilitarian lense

*Once in power, a totalitarian leader only needs to experience failure of their rule to begin political persecution

*Totalitarian, top-down method of ruling is guaranteed to fail; thus, political persecution is guaranteed: when the ruler’s policies fail, he has to find a scapegoat to blame

*[Currently, for example, Russia has been made Biden’s scapegoat and is being blamed for high gas prices in the US; unilateral decisions to shut down the Keystone pipeline, revoke and prohibit gas and oil drilling permits… he won’t admit, have nothing to do with higher prices]

*Totalitarians are not able to admit any mistakes; they will blame others and double-down via using the same unsuccessful strategies, believing that the errors cannot be therein

*[The consequences of the unilateral decisions of our president during his first 100 days are being experienced by Americans in many unpleasant ways today – gasoline, groceries, and everything else that is impacted by inflation; yet he continues to blame Russia or some other scapegoat for the consequences of his orders]

*[I got understanding about such things from listening to intelligent minds about the state of our nation, such as in the following video: Victor Davis Hanson: Biden is the most dangerously radical President in US history; link:

*In the early stages of totalitarian rule, the dissident is to be offered as the scapegoat for government failures [Trump, republicans, conservatives, Christians…]

*Such scapegoats are blamed for spreading misinformation and sabotaging the ability of the government to fix crises [a superficial examination of Biden’s conduct, and that of ranking democrats, will reveal such scapegoating]

*For expedience in reaching ideological goals, the totalitarian government will deem free speech expendable – that is a sign that political persecution is on the horizon

*Arthur Verslvis noted that the transition to political persecution is hastened by the belief that doctrines held by the party are absolute or universal truth. By such a stance, it is possible to make dissenters into traitors…so that they might be punished

*[The January 6 secret trials are a recent example of such an ideological rationale – a stance which happens to be devoid of reason; that was against the constitution; and against the rule of law to cite a few of its flaws; but it seems that no one with authority has the courage to confront the leaders who display that they are above the law]

*It is for “their own good,” for the “good of society,” and so on that dissenters who are innocent of any violation of the law of the land are harassed, doxed, cancelled, fired…

*Such treatment of innocent citizens who merely disagree with the “narrative of the state” is a short step from mass murder

*[The CCP puts innocent people who dissent from the state approved narrative of truth in prison. These are euphemistically called “re-education camps” while they are places of abuse, slavery, murder for organs…. In the course of the January 6 trials, human rights and laws of this nation were deliberately violated to make a point for all to grasp, “you have no rights when the left is confronting you; and what they do is law, even if it contradicts the rule of law”]

*Hannah Arendt stated that when a totalitarian government creates a scapegoat of a dissenter, they have made him an “objective enemy”

*An objective enemy is guilty of such offenses as the following: being the wrong ethnicity; holding views that are not in strict alignment with the state narrative; having property (Soviet Russia – the Gulaks); being of the educated class (Cambodia killing fields) …

*A chief tool used by the totalitarian government to create an objective enemy is rampant and repetitive propaganda

*The terminology with which the objective enemy is branded eventually convinces citizens that align themselves with the totalitarian government that violence may legitimately be used to silence them…

*Donald Dalton wrote, The Psychology of Genocide; therein he noted that the objective enemies are looked down upon as if they were vermin, or a virus [“deplorables” is an example of that]

*As desperation builds within the totalitarian government due to failures, they increasingly deflect that failure towards objective enemies via increased propaganda and scapegoating

*The masses are necessarily caught up in the conflict [like those a-political people who had to hear all the ranting about Trump for 5 years, who was clearly an objective enemy]

*Thus, the tension of the mass’s increases, especially because reasonable people are unable to have rational dialogues or even conversations with those who are escalating

*As the economy and social / moral values of the society collapse, many look for someone to blame

*If propaganda is successful, then the frustration of the masses will be directed against the objective enemies – at such times, gas chambers…have been used for mass murder and people in agreement with totalitarian leaders carried out the crimes against humanity

*The next video by Academy of ideas will examine the motives of those who carry out such horrific crimes



The following link is to the YouTube site for the above video: