Contemplating the Glory of Jesus: Dr. Jeff Mayfield

In the following 4 minute video, Dr. Jeff Mayfield explains part of chapter 3 of John Owen’s book: Communion with God.

His brief explanation exhorts us to meditate upon our Savior:

I was unable to upload Dr. Mayfield’s 4 minute video, but provided the link below:

While you are at his site, subscribe and check out his other videos. He only produces one or two brief videos a week, but these are on weighty topics that every Christian ought to consider at some point in his walk.

I think he does a great job making very complex topics understandable. In case you didn’t know, John Owen wrote the most foundational material regarding dealing with personal sin. I posted several of Dr. Mayfields short videos about Owen’s work on this topic; see Categories, John Owen, to explore those videos.

I also posted videos by Dr. Mayfield in the categories of Jonathan Edwards; Thomas Brooks; and Calvin’s Institutes. All of these men were great men of faith who wrote very substantial bodies of work that have proven valuable to Christian pilgrims for hundreds of years to date – you might also benefit from these writings.