The Curse Motif of the Atonement – R C Sproul

R C’s sermon carefully explained The Day of Atonement; covenant blessings and curses; propitiation; expiation; the cross; imputation; substitution… the foundation stones of the gospel. If you  desire to know the biblical gospel message; bolster your own gratitude to the Lord; draw nearer to Him by possessing greater knowledge of Him…, then this sermon can benefit you.  If you have been in a false church, this sermon will help you specifically understand what is false about it.

UNION with CHRIST: Reformation Truths with Michael Reeves

In this lesson, Dr. Reeves will examine a doctrine that is sometimes neglected in discussions about Reformation theology: union with Christ. This doctrine is at the very heart of the gospel. When sinners are joined to Jesus Christ, sharing in His death and resurrection, the vast riches of the gospel become theirs. Examining this crucial article of faith is an invitation to rejoice in a glorious Reformation truth.

What is the Gospel? R C Sproul

R C Sproul, What is the Gospel? In the process of his sermon to define the gospel message, R C identifies about 10 FALSE ways of proclaiming the gospel that have been used by modern evangelists since the 20th century. Furthermore, he explains the problem of all the versions of the gospel as having to do with an improper attitude towards it, which dishonors its owner, God. If you cannot come up with a clear definition of the gospel for your own witnessing of it to others, then knowing the contents of this sermon is essential for you.

Justification by Faith Alone; Faith; and Repentance explained

This post contains two linked posts from this blog that explain justification by faith alone; faith; and repentance. One video by Paul Washer provides an example of trusting in his performance instead of the finished work of Christ. That is the reason for using these linked posts; but I wanted to further provide a fuller definition of justification by various pastors by way of very brief videos. These are foundational doctrines of the Christian faith with which believers should be more than familiar.

Romans 1:1-4 – Pastor Patrick Hines Podcast

This post contains a brief video podcast by Pastor Patrick Hines on Romans 1:1-4. Therein, he explains the gospel of God of which Paul testifies in his teaching. If you do not understand ‘justification by faith alone,’ then you can benefit by hearing Pastor Hines’ explanation of this text. Additionally, he provides a basic overview of the apostle Paul’s conversion and his former life as a Pharisee. [This is the most foundational doctrine of Christianity, over which the Protestant Reformation was fought; it is still largely misunderstood by Christians, especially those who do not study scripture; your understanding of ‘faith’ may also be bolstered by Pastor Hines teaching ]

The Holy Spirit Fruit of Love – Types of Love Defined – Mini Series part 3

This post contains an article and a video on the three types of biblical love. The article originated at Explore The Bible, Lifeway; and the video, from the Word of Grace ministry of the late Dr. Duane Spencer. If you only have a couple of minutes to spend, then the article will suffice; if you want to understand love as it is revealed in the events of scripture and as it is happening in the world around you, then hear the video. Dr. Spencer’s video thoroughly explains love. His Key Word Studies were intended to provide rich biblical understanding to his audience.

The Fruit of the Holy Spirit – Love – Mini Series Part 1

This first of three posts on love is about verse biblical love as in the following verse: Galatians 5:22  But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23  gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.  This article takes scripture from the entire Bible about love, and marriage. The next post will be a sermon specifically about the Galatians verse above; and the third post, on the three types of love discussed in the Bible.

By Faith – Galatians 2:15-21 – Pastor Patrick Ramsey

The following points are from Pastor Ramsey’s sermon conclusion: We are justified by faith in Christ Jesus; and FAITH does not merely believe some facts / truths about Jesus. Faith is trusting Him and depending on Him to save you By MEANS of His Death and Resurrection; and Faith UNITES the believer to Jesus. “IN HIM” we are made right with God. Thus, we are JUSTIFIED by FAITH; and we are JUSTIFIED ‘IN CHRIST.’ In Athens, Paul declared that God had fixed a day in which He will judge the world [see Acts 17]. How might you be found righteous before God [be justified] on that DAY? By FAITH in Jesus Christ because: John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. [The contents of this sermon clearly explain why John 14:6 is true]


Christian nationalism is most often employed as a derogatory term. It is crucial to realize that labels can be unfairly used to trigger an emotional response. Beliefs require more than superficial connection to biblical faith to be truly “Christian,” just as vague similarities between two ideas do not make them equivalent. Such distinctions are often lost in the exaggeration and melodrama of modern communication. It’s common to attack opposing views using the most provocative language possible. Terms like communist, hate, radical, racist, fascist, supremacist, and traitor are applied to views that don’t reasonably fit those definitions. Nationalism falls into this category, at times.

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