The following 10 minute video on Kenneth Copeland, reveals errors in Copeland’s ministry other than his unbiblical prosperity preaching: he doesn’t understand church history; the
Category: Man-Centered spirituality (modern false gospel, etc.)
The Truth War is a book written by Dr. John MacArthur in 2007 to confront the emergent church and other heretical movements in Christ’s body, the
Female Pastors: Dr. John MacArthur
The following 3 minute video is being posted as an example of what Dr. MacArthur was describing in my recent post: Who’s To Blame For
Jesse Duplantis: False Teacher
The following 9 minute video, vlogger, Polite Leader, critiqued Duplantis’ false ministry. I also make a few points after the video. If
Jonathan Steingard, of Hawk Nelson, No Longer Believes In God
The following video explored Steingard’s rationale for leaving Christianity. The unanswered questions Steingard had, that moved him to apostasize, were examined. Vlogger, Polite Leader, used
“JUST BELIEVE!” What Does This Popular Phrase Mean?
This past Christmas, I received a card that said, “Just Believe.” The card was from an unbeliever whose spiritual welfare I care about; and because
Creflo Dollar Exposed
The following brief video highlights the false, prosperity ministry of Creflo Dollar. The vlogger, Polite Leader, provided a brief history and significant heretical teachings of
FALSE VISITS TO HEAVEN AND HELL; Biblical Analysis by Justin Peters
Justin Peters and Martha Mac, of SO4J TV, look at various claims visitors to heaven and hell have written about in their books. Martha Mac
Prosperity Preachers of the 1970s Who Still Have a Following
The following two brief videos are about Jimmy Swaggart and Jim Bakker. Both suffered public humiliation because they were caught in sexual scandals; and Bakker
Conversion Testimony: Doreen Virtue Left the New Age to Follow Jesus
Doreen did not seek Christ, but was slowly led in that direction for several years until her conversion. Although she had a Christian Science background