The Curse Motif of the Atonement – R C Sproul

R C’s sermon carefully explained The Day of Atonement; covenant blessings and curses; propitiation; expiation; the cross; imputation; substitution… the foundation stones of the gospel. If you  desire to know the biblical gospel message; bolster your own gratitude to the Lord; draw nearer to Him by possessing greater knowledge of Him…, then this sermon can benefit you.  If you have been in a false church, this sermon will help you specifically understand what is false about it.

O Sacred Head Now Wounded – Ginger Millermon – Lyrics

I found the following song while I was searching the video page of a new YouTube site, StrangeLyrics. I was deeply moved by the lyrics, vocals and guitar; this is a wonderful song for preparing one’s heart to pray and read God’s word. The site has over 350 videos seemingly consisting of hymns and contemporary Christian music. If you like to sing along with Christian music, check out the site.

Gospel Meditation on Romans 3:20-28 – From Pastor Patrick Hines’ Sermon

This post contains a 24-minute explanation of God’s righteousness, as is proclaimed in scripture, particularly, Romans. Many professors of Christianity do NOT understand what Pastor Hines explains herein. He focused on Romans 3, but also made some general statements about what is contained in the epistle of Romans. He also used the apostle Paul’s presentation of the gospel in light of a couple of statements from Isaiah and Jeremiah to show that salvation is by grace, not keeping the commandments. Video preceded by overview points.

Proclaiming the Gospel – Mike Gendron – October 2023 Newsletter – Witnessing Christ to Catholics

Mike Gendron’s October newsletter addresses the following points: The Reformation Must Not Be Reversed; The 5 Solas of the Reformation explained; Why Are Evangelicals Reversing the Reformation? Luther Exposed Rome’s Heretical Teachings; The Source of Rome’s Trilogy of Deception; Why Was the Reformation Necessary? What Did the Reformation Accomplish? The Boldness and Courage of the Reformers; and newsletters and speaking engagements. Also, Ray Comfort and Mark Spence use science, philosophy, and theology to change people’s minds on abortion – link to video.

UNION with CHRIST: Reformation Truths with Michael Reeves

In this lesson, Dr. Reeves will examine a doctrine that is sometimes neglected in discussions about Reformation theology: union with Christ. This doctrine is at the very heart of the gospel. When sinners are joined to Jesus Christ, sharing in His death and resurrection, the vast riches of the gospel become theirs. Examining this crucial article of faith is an invitation to rejoice in a glorious Reformation truth.

What is the Gospel? R C Sproul

R C Sproul, What is the Gospel? In the process of his sermon to define the gospel message, R C identifies about 10 FALSE ways of proclaiming the gospel that have been used by modern evangelists since the 20th century. Furthermore, he explains the problem of all the versions of the gospel as having to do with an improper attitude towards it, which dishonors its owner, God. If you cannot come up with a clear definition of the gospel for your own witnessing of it to others, then knowing the contents of this sermon is essential for you.

The Background for the Gospel Message – Pastor Patrick Hines – video short

The following 1-minute video short was excerpted from a recent podcast by pastor Hines: Romans 1:18-22 – God’s Wrath & Mercy, Man’s Truth Suppression. Herein, pastor Hines explains that the background for the biblical gospel message is God’s wrath against sin. He talked briefly about the ‘Christian Liberal’ message that is devoid of God’s wrath, as contested by J Gresham Machen in the early 20th century via his still very relevant book, Christianity and Liberalism:

Romans 1:8-17 by Pastor Patrick Hines

This post contains an 11-minute video podcast by Pastor Patrick Hines on Romans 1:8-17. Verses 16 and 17 are about the gospel; he spent time speaking about justification by faith alone and trusting in the finished work of Christ. He plans to do podcasts through Romans, so this topic and the various important, related topics will come up numerous times. [However, I have to say that I have spent many years trying to firmly grasp the idea of trusting ‘only’ in Christ’s finished work and that is a very difficult thing to do; that is, to do it, you must clearly see when you are trusting in your performance or in some other thing besides Christ’s work. The Holy Spirit shows one what he/she is placing trust in, rather than Christ. The next post will deal with this topic. Pastor Hines will likely deal with it at some point, but I don’t think a believer can hear to much about this critical topic.]

Romans 1:5-7 Pastor Patrick Hines Podcast

Pastor Hines explains the meaning of the following verses in this 12-minute podcast: Romans 1:5-7  [5]Through Him we have received grace and apostleship for obedience to the faith among all nations for His name, [6] among whom you also are the called of Jesus Christ; [7] To all who are in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (New American Standard Bible) [Sermon highlight points precede sermon]

Romans 1:1-4 – Pastor Patrick Hines Podcast

This post contains a brief video podcast by Pastor Patrick Hines on Romans 1:1-4. Therein, he explains the gospel of God of which Paul testifies in his teaching. If you do not understand ‘justification by faith alone,’ then you can benefit by hearing Pastor Hines’ explanation of this text. Additionally, he provides a basic overview of the apostle Paul’s conversion and his former life as a Pharisee. [This is the most foundational doctrine of Christianity, over which the Protestant Reformation was fought; it is still largely misunderstood by Christians, especially those who do not study scripture; your understanding of ‘faith’ may also be bolstered by Pastor Hines teaching ]

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