How the moral law leads believers to Christ – Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion excerpt

The purpose of this post is to use the writings of John Calvin, who thoroughly understood scripture, to show why God gave the law through Moses. The goal in that is to show Christians that it is impossible to get into heaven by obeying the law. The law, as in Romans 3, was merely given to show us that we are helpless to obey it. We must rest in the righteousness that Christ earned by obeying the law during His earthly ministry. The book of Galatians and the initial 5+ chapters of Romans say just that. So, every Christian MUST learn how to submit to the Holy Spirit and quit working to earn merit before God….

Guarding the Glorious Gospel of God – Mike Gendron

This post contains Mike Gendron’s monthly newsletter. Mike was a practicing Roman Catholic for 37 years before being born again. He and his wife thereafter began their ministry ‘Proclaiming the Gospel’ to witness the biblical Christ to Roman Catholics.  I highlighted some words from Letters to Mike that speak to the ALISTAIR BEGG MATTER of the past week. Mike stated those words when questioned as to whether to attend a RCC wedding. 

Homosexuality – Transgenderism – Inclusivity – Lies Surrounding These – Rosaria Butterfield

The purpose of this post is to provide an informed opinion on the events of the past week, via Rosaria Butterfield. She is a former lesbian and professor of Queer studies at Syracuse U; she was born again after reading through the Bible several times to write against it. She says a bit about her past in the 1st of three 5-minute videos. Each video deals with one of the terms of the title of this post, and more about her bio is given in the introduction of the post.

Proclaiming The Gospel (to Roman Catholics) – Mike Gendron

It has been said that the Gospel is so simple that a young child can hear it, understand it and believe it, yet so profound that a theologian can spend a lifetime studying its glorious transcendent truths. It is the greatest news anyone will ever hear because it offers a free and complete salvation from the punishment and power of sin, and a glorious inheritance in the everlasting kingdom of God awaits all believers. Topics of the gospel cards: God; Man; Sin; Jesus Christ; the cross; resurrection; salvation; grace; faith; repentance; righteousness; truth. [The complete newsletter is herein pasted, it includes speaking times and places; letters to the editor….]

Christ Our Passover – Pastor Patrick Hines – Podcast

I went to Pastor Hines Sermon Audio site to hear something on the Lord’s Supper. I decided to post the following 13-minute podcast because it provides understanding that connects the Passover with the Lord’s Supper and the gospel of Jesus Christ. I was particularly interested in improving my understanding of the Lord’s Supper, as I am discovering that my anxiety about partaking of this sacrament is typical among believers that do not rightly understand Christ’s work, believing that they have to be sufficiently worthy to partake of the bread and wine…. Also, the incarnation and the Christmas story can best be understood when one sees it in the context of God’s plan of redemption; the Passover and Calvary. Those connections are established in the material of this post

The Gospel – Pastor Voddie Baucham

This post contains a 4-minute sermon excerpt of Pastor Voddie Baucham explaining the gospel. I wanted to post it because he actually explains the necessity of the virgin birth, something that I have rarely heard from the pulpit. A very brief post follows the video, it fills in many gaps that Pastor Baucham’s excerpt did not cover. He did start explaining the gospel from the Garden, the fall… but the post says many things about God’s plan of redemption, culminating in the gospel. Together, they provide a very good biblical explanation of God’s plan of redemption.

Grace Alone & Predestination – Pastor Patrick Hines

This post contains a 50-minute sermon by Pastor Patrick Hines that focuses on God’s grace in salvation and unconditional election. The chief texts he used were Ephesians 1:36 and Romans 4:14-16. In the course of his sermon, he brought numerous additional texts into play, also a few quotations: one from the work of J Gresham Machen; one from the Westminster Confession of Faith; one from Luther’s works. He clearly identified all the blessings that are found ‘in Christ.’ There are links to other very brief articles to explain: ‘second blessing,’ ‘hidden in Christ,’ and ‘foreknowledge.’ It is an extremely educational sermon for those who have been Christians for a while. Sermon HIGHLIGHTS follow the MP4 sermon which had to be divided to be uploaded

Satan and the Gospel – Kingdom

In a war, the truth can determine who wins. In this war against Satan, if we are not clear on what the power of the gospel truly is, we will not be set free by it. Satan has been adding to the gospel for two thousand years, but not lies we would recognize. He adds God’s law into the gospel. Commands we know are good and healthy, but not when it comes to the gospel. Only grace is attached to the gospel, not the law. In This episode, Jon explains how the gospel being confused with the law is a tactic by Satan to confuse and discourage the soldiers of the King.

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