Why Are Protestants Becoming Catholics? – Mike Gendron’s Newsletter

The May edition of Mike Gendron’s Newsletter covers the following topics and more: Unity Accords Between Catholics and Evangelicals; Warnings Are Being Withheld or Avoided; Disobedience to God and His Word; Compromise for the Sake of Peace and Unity; Ignorance of Catholicism’s False and Fatal Gospel; Scripture Proves Eucharist Is a False Christ; Plenary Indulgence for Worship of Eucharist; letters to the editor

Jesus’ Teaching on Marriage and Gender – Things Unseen – Sinclair Ferguson

This post contains a 6-minute video by Pastor Sinclair Ferguson which clarifies Jesus’ teaching on gender and marriage. With all the confusion in the 21st century church, he is a voice of reason that stands with God, His word and His Messiah. You may do what you want, but there are consequences, as Ferguson indicated in the brief video. Also, as some recently tried to say about Ferguson and other evangelicals from across the pond, their compassion is actually in line with God’s, not with man’s.

The Wrath of God in Preaching – R C Sproul

This post features a sermon by R C Sproul on the Wrath of God in general. His sermon text is Leviticus 10, the Death of Nadab and Abihu for offering ‘strange fire’ before Yahweh. If your church is teaching you that the God of the Old Testament is the wrathful God and the God of the New Testament is all about grace, then you absolutely need to hear this sermon. A pastor actually spoke such words to me shortly after I was born again while reading through the Bible. There are many pastors who teach such error. Sproul says enough from the New Testament to confirm that the same God is the one present on the pages of both testaments; that is, that ‘God’s wrath’ is still a reality.

Unity of Old and New Testaments [Part 2]

The purpose of this series is to show that Bible covenants cause the Old and New Testaments to have unity. The Old and New Testaments, are the revelation of One God to a people He is calling out of this world. One can easily see the truth of that statement if he/she looks at God’s plan of redemption via the covenants He entered into with mankind in order to restore him, to redeem him. Excerpts from John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion will be used to support my purpose statement.

The Counterfeit Church – Wide is the Gate – Caryl Matrisciana

The late Caryl Matrisciana herein contrasts the new type of “Christianity,” that emphasizes experience, emotions…, that incorporates eastern spirituality, yoga, meditation… with biblical Christianity; in the process, she reveals the lies that are pulling people away from God’s word into man-made spirituality, such that you will be able to see them if they are present in your world-view. A path back to orthodoxy is explained.

Getting the Message Out – Matthew 28:18-20 – Pastor Philip Ryken

The video of this post is about your role in the great commission. Even as this world seems to be unraveling before our eyes, Christians must be most focused on doing Christ’s work. Please listen and get encouragement to seek God’s help that you might be brought into line with God’s purposes for you in His world. Pastor Philip Ryken makes Jesus’ words from Matthew 28:18 a personal directive.

BIBLICAL SERMON ILLUSTRATED: Pastor Voddie Baucham – The World the Devil and the Flesh

I recently received a question from a reader who was confused about how to discern biblical from un-biblical preaching / preachers. This post aims at helping such readers. Seasoned Christians who believe in the doctrines that come from the Protestant Reformation, know that Dr. Voddie Baucham is a great preacher. Nate Sala, the creator of this video looks carefully at Baucham’s sermon to show just why that is so. Listeners will gain in two ways from hearing the video of this post: they will hear a biblically sound sermon and get some insight into Baucham’s purposes (and the purposes of biblical preachers); furthermore, they will get a 3-point tool by which they can measure preaching they hear, at their church and elsewhere.

Israel and the Church – Part 3 – the Land

This post contains Pastor Ramsey’s third sermon on Israel and the Church, the ‘land.’ His purpose in preaching this mini-series was to help Christians think biblically about Old Testament Israel, the church and the modern state of Israel. Much confusion prevails about these because of the widespread acceptance of the ‘dispensationalism,’ which he addressed in the first sermon. He concluded that the land of Canaan, Palestine, in the middle east is no longer holy, no longer religiously significant at all….

The Curse Motif of the Atonement – R C Sproul

R C’s sermon carefully explained The Day of Atonement; covenant blessings and curses; propitiation; expiation; the cross; imputation; substitution… the foundation stones of the gospel. If you  desire to know the biblical gospel message; bolster your own gratitude to the Lord; draw nearer to Him by possessing greater knowledge of Him…, then this sermon can benefit you.  If you have been in a false church, this sermon will help you specifically understand what is false about it.

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