Homosexuality – Transgenderism – Inclusivity – Lies Surrounding These – Rosaria Butterfield

The purpose of this post is to provide an informed opinion on the events of the past week, via Rosaria Butterfield. She is a former lesbian and professor of Queer studies at Syracuse U; she was born again after reading through the Bible several times to write against it. She says a bit about her past in the 1st of three 5-minute videos. Each video deals with one of the terms of the title of this post, and more about her bio is given in the introduction of the post.

Alistair Begg Responds to Controversy / Phil Johnson Weighs In – Shepherds Conference 2024?

This post contains a video by Pastor Michael Grant on Alistair Begg: narrative from Grant’s video: “Pastor Begg has finally broken his silence after being kicked off American Family Radio for his “gay marriage / trans marriage” advice.  Phil Johnson, who is John MacArthur’s right hand man weighs in which is especially important since Begg is set to speak at this year’s ShepCon in March.  I also address the issue of so called “Christian Cancel Culture”, it is a thing?” [I also included another video that is more in depth but much longer; also, links to numerous educational posts.]

Matt Walsh & Trans EMT Face-Off! | Matt Walsh | Richard Dawkins

Today’s video takes us into the heart of a riveting debate that recently took place between Matt Walsh and a Trans identifying EMT. Not to mention a surprise commentary by the renowned biologist Richard Dawkins.
This conversation touches on various angles, philosophical arguments, personal experiences, and societal implications. Join me as I share my reactions, insights, and perhaps some points that you might have missed during the debate…. [Narrative from YouTube site, Michael Goff, creator of video.]

Transgender Wedding Controversy… Alistair Begg… Clarity

This post contains a video that looks at several aspects of the Alistair Begg counsel regarding a transgender wedding: it opens with a brief intro about the issue at hand; Alistair Begg’s counsel; the American Family Association Response to Begg’s counsel; John Piper’s response and his biblical counsel for that situation; and a conclusion. The beginning times for each section of the video are provided for those who only want to hear a portion; also, links to source video.

Christian Nationalism – The Source of This Concept

The purpose of this post is to identify the source and fiction of the concept, Christian Nationalism.
Two very brief videos are used to convey ideas in this post, one on Cultural Marxism and one on the border wall problem, which seems to be a chief driving force behind the cry, ‘Christian Nationalists!’ As the phrase, Christian Nationalist, is currently being used, it seems to derive wholly from Cultural Marxism (CM). Particularly, from the ideas of Theodor Adorno, some of which are stated below in a 7-minute video. In the highlight points below the video, his words are in pink font.

Proclaiming The Gospel (to Roman Catholics) – Mike Gendron

It has been said that the Gospel is so simple that a young child can hear it, understand it and believe it, yet so profound that a theologian can spend a lifetime studying its glorious transcendent truths. It is the greatest news anyone will ever hear because it offers a free and complete salvation from the punishment and power of sin, and a glorious inheritance in the everlasting kingdom of God awaits all believers. Topics of the gospel cards: God; Man; Sin; Jesus Christ; the cross; resurrection; salvation; grace; faith; repentance; righteousness; truth. [The complete newsletter is herein pasted, it includes speaking times and places; letters to the editor….]

Music that exalts Christ – Marty Goetz

This post contains a 20-minute music video. I is a sampling of 5 songs from Marty Goetz and his orchestra, from his album, Psalm Enchanted Evening: a Hebrew chant; Lord our Lord (on Psalm 8); Psalm 23; Prince of Peace (on Isaiah 9:6; about his conversion to Christ and his Jewish heritage); We Being Many (on Romans 12:5, sang with his wife and young daughter).

Cultural Marxist Influencers – Part 1-C – The Degeneration of America and Western Society

The core topic of this post is what CM wants to do with our 2-A rights. In my mini-series on the impact of Cultural Marxism (CM), on America and the church, this is the final installment of Part 1. I will soon again be focusing on Pastor Tim Keller, part 2-B. The last post, provided additional information of how CM is destroying America and the western world. In the initial paragraphs of this post, there is a recap of Theodor Adorno’s words, calling traditional American values, like family, God, love of country, traditional gender roles, pathological. The Marxist left, via CM, stands opposed to these things that our constitution called God-given rights; and that the Bible condones. This post covers one aspect of how CM aims to harm you and your community: not having the right to protect yourself and your family, when CM has installed many Marxist DA’s, who legislate in favor of criminals… is cause for alarm. If you are not alarmed, then you do not understand the facts. This post will help you familiarize yourself with some of those.

Cultural Marxist Influencers – Part 1-B – Fuller Definition of CM

The 7-minute video of this post provides a fuller definition of cultural Marxism. By viewing it, you will better understand the twisted logic of the democratic Marxist left as it is playing out on the daily news. Highlight bullet points emphasize some of those things. [The following is from YouTube video source site: ] “This is an excellent short video explaining the source and nature of Cultural Marxist movements like political correctness, modern feminism, pansexualism, multiculturalism, “whiteness studies,” etc.

The Perversion of Love – John MacArthur

In this post, Pastor John MacArthur uses Ephesians 5:1-7 to explain God’s love and Satan’s counterfeit, perverted version of love that world-lings seek. In the process, the born-again Christian will likely get some clarity about what is pleasing to God and what types behavior, longings… are to be avoided.

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