In the following video, Dr. John MacArthur briefly explains the downgrade controversy, C.H. Spurgeon’s fight against modernism in the church of the late 1800s. He
Category: Doctrine / Theology
The Downgrade Controversy: what is it; its impact on the current church: part 1
The following 11 minute video by John MacArthur explains C.H. Spurgeon’s downgrade concept. Dr. MacArthur explains how it parallels the problem the current church has
The Lord’s Supper: What It Is; How It Is Applied; How It Benefits Believers
In the following 28 minute sermon, pastor Patrick Ramsey biblically defines the Lord’s supper; then he explains how it is applied, and how it benefits
1 John tests for truth
The doctrinal, social and moral tests below are distilled from notes I took when sitting under the preaching of pastor Wayne Sutton of Sharpsville, PA,
The false gospels of Rick Warren, Rob Bell, Brian McLaren and Steve Chalke surveyed by Dr Gary Gilley
The two videos below are from Dr. Gilley’s speaking engagement in Northern Ireland. He was hosted by Take Heed Ministries (THM). The topics covered by
Saving Faith: its elements explained
Rev. D. Patrick Ramsey, of Nashua Orthodox Presbyterian Church, preached on Romans 10: 9-13 this evening and in the process, he explained the elements of
Sin: using scripture to deal with it
The “how to” in the dealing with sin, will be provided by pastor Albert N. Martin, one of his sermons from his 16 part message