Westminster Confession of Faith opposes Dispensationalism – Dr John Gerstner [Part 9]

John Gerstner was the mentor of the late R C Sproul, in case you’ve never heard of him. I excerpted a 7-minute, 35-second portion from one of Gerstner’s teaching videos on the WCF. He was reading and explaining the chapters 6-8. Therein, he made a statement that the Westminster Divines would have opposed ‘modern Dispensationalism.’ He went on to explain that salvation, since the fall, has only been by God’s grace through Christ’s atoning work, noting that this biblical view is not held by Dispensationalists.

There are Not Two People of God: Israel and the Church [Part 8]

In the 8-minute 28-second sermon excerpt of this post, the late Pastor Eric Alexander explained how the Gentiles became incorporated into the people of God, Israel. Pastor Alexander defined the ‘MYSTERY’ that Paul discussed in Ephesians 3: the mystery is that God incorporated the Gentiles into ‘His people’ by UNITING them to His Son.  This sermon will have more meaning if part 7 is also heard, a sermon on the Body of Christ from Romans 12 and Ephesians 4.

One Body in Christ – Pastor James Boice [Part 7]

Romans 12: 4-5 There’s no mention of the church in the Old Testament and in fact, the word church is used rather infrequently in the New Testament. But the word “body” on the other hand is used often because it reflects what the church really is. Join Dr. James Boice as he explores the true identity of the church on The Bible Study Hour. [Part 7 in my mini-series on the intimate relationship between the Old and New Testaments; highlight points follow the video.]

Why Are Protestants Becoming Catholics? – Mike Gendron’s Newsletter

The May edition of Mike Gendron’s Newsletter covers the following topics and more: Unity Accords Between Catholics and Evangelicals; Warnings Are Being Withheld or Avoided; Disobedience to God and His Word; Compromise for the Sake of Peace and Unity; Ignorance of Catholicism’s False and Fatal Gospel; Scripture Proves Eucharist Is a False Christ; Plenary Indulgence for Worship of Eucharist; letters to the editor

What is Dispensationalism? [Part 5]

This post attempts to show the connectedness of the Old and New Testaments by explaining the unbiblical theology of Dispensationalism originated by John Nelson Darby (1800-1882). The writer explains how it was thereafter propagated, such that, in America, it became a chief lens via which the Bible was interpreted; but that it contradicts the apostle Paul’s teaching.

The Covenant – R C Sproul – [Part 4]

There is a war on God’s Word from both within and outside the church, and doubts about the trustworthiness of God’s word arise in the hearts of the faithful. How can we be sure God will do all He has promised? Dr. Sproul examines this thought as he explains what measures God has taken to ensure His promises to us.

Get Rid of These 4 Books from your Church Bookstore Now! Alisa Childers with Tim Challies

Which books should every Christian bookstore remove immediately? Which ones should they make sure and stock up on? Author, blogger, and book reviewer Tim Challies joins the podcast today to give his opinion on the best 3 and worst 4 books every church book store should be aware of. We also talk about his new book, Seasons of Sorrow, about the tragic and sudden passing of his son, Nick and how Tim and his family have navigated that loss. Tim reflects on the goodness of God, the problem of suffering and evil, and whether or not his opinion on certain “bad books” has changed in light of his personal season of sorrow.

Jesus’ Teaching on Marriage and Gender – Things Unseen – Sinclair Ferguson

This post contains a 6-minute video by Pastor Sinclair Ferguson which clarifies Jesus’ teaching on gender and marriage. With all the confusion in the 21st century church, he is a voice of reason that stands with God, His word and His Messiah. You may do what you want, but there are consequences, as Ferguson indicated in the brief video. Also, as some recently tried to say about Ferguson and other evangelicals from across the pond, their compassion is actually in line with God’s, not with man’s.

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