Today, he emphasized two very common problems: compromise, in his morning thoughts; and calling in his evening thoughts. Since he was such an excellent biblical preacher, his words are very worth considering. As I read his morning thoughts, I thought of how the church is compromising with the CRT and LGBTQ movements; and of how liberalism has been an issue for over a hundred years, Spurgeon himself fought against it in his writings. His evening thoughts deal with callings, the common errors new converts make [an 11-minute MacArthur video on Spurgeon’s ‘downgrade controversy’ is linked]
Category: Doctrine / Theology
Introducing Wisdom | Proverbs (1:1-7) – Pastor Kyle Johnston
This video is the first of 12 in a series: Study on the book of Proverbs, chapters 1-9. The videos range from 9-14 minutes in length, this is the longest video. I found the last video of this series because I wanted to blog on Proverbs 9 and after listening to it, I decided it would be beneficial to me and interested readers to blog the entire series for reasons that will become apparent in this video. Video highlight points precede this lesson. ADDITIONALLY, this post contains a reading from John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion to explain the necessity of a believer knowing who he/she is in relationship to God
Purity of Heart and Life – Charles Spurgeon Audio Devotionals (Matthew 5:8)
The two-minute devotional in this post is about purity of heart, Matthew 5:8. A list of highlights precede the video and a brief comment after it to add a few things Spurgeon did not mention in this very short devotional [I’ve listened to him preach on the beatitudes and know that he did not have time to state a few other foundational points about purity of heart and the process inherent in the beatitudes; as this is a devotional, not an exhaustive study of purity of heart…].
God Hates A Liar – Grace Digital Network
The video in this post is a thorough biblical critique of liars. In our day, lying is seen as part of interacting with others. Our leaders do not even seem to care if their lies are known. And they are not ashamed of lying…. On the other hand, truth is vehemently opposed. Those same leaders are making laws against truth and it is central to their mission to punish righteousness…. The following video reveals what God thinks about lying and liars:
Christian Hymns: Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness; The Church’s One Foundation; Guitarist Brian Cochran
This post contains two Christian Hymns from the Trinity Hymnal: Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness; and The Church’s One Foundation. Lyrics are below each music video. Singing and guitar by Brian Cochran, who created the videos for his YouTube site. On Sunday, May 28, the pastor of the church I attend used the first hymn as part of our morning worship; the lyrics of this hymn are so wonderful, I was moved to find that version of it on YouTube and post it for others to hear. Lyrics have been posted so that readers might sing along; might use these as part of family worship….
Hell: Is God Unfair? Voddie Baucham Provides Biblical Clarification
This post contains two videos on hell. The first is 2-minutes 28-seconds in length; therein, Voddie Baucham provides a biblical explanation of hell that you may not have heard before. His explanation silences all those who say that it was unfair for God to have saved only some people from hell…. The second video, 15 minutes, is the son of pastor John Piper, Abraham Piper, who via Tic Toc rants and mocks hell. The video was produced because A Piper has over a million YouTube followers and his erroneous teaching needs to be challenged.
Jesus, The Mediator – Augustine of Hippo
This post contains a 6-minute reading from The City of God by Saint Augustine about the Christ’s mediator-ship. The video is informative and comforting to hear: the reader’s voice and the imagery are soothing. I like this site for that reason. Below the video is a bio of Augustine for those who know nothing of him.