In the following video, Dr. John MacArthur briefly explains the downgrade controversy, C.H. Spurgeon’s fight against modernism in the church of the late 1800s. He

False Christian teachings, trends….
In the following video, Dr. John MacArthur briefly explains the downgrade controversy, C.H. Spurgeon’s fight against modernism in the church of the late 1800s. He
This eight-part series uses videos created by Michael Durham of RTM, goes back in church history a few hundred years to show that the
The following 11 minute video by John MacArthur explains C.H. Spurgeon’s downgrade concept. Dr. MacArthur explains how it parallels the problem the current church has
A one minute video about qualifications for women preachers precedes a 7 minute video that contains Dr. John MacArthur’s inappropriate comments about Beth Moore. The
The following 30 minute mp3 shows the efforts of preachers since the Great Awakening of the 1740s to ensure that professors actually were experiencing true
The 46 minute video below is a sermon of Jonathan Edwards’ copyrighted by William Carson, 1994. Edwards’ well-known book, The Religious Affections, goes into great depth
In the three-page preface of Packer’s book, Knowing God, he makes an important distinction about typical motives of those seeking knowledge of God; his two
“”Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God,” writes Paul in Romans 11:22 (KJV). The crucial word here is and. The apostle is explaining the
The doctrinal, social and moral tests below are distilled from notes I took when sitting under the preaching of pastor Wayne Sutton of Sharpsville, PA,
A vlogger I subscribe to “What Shall I Cry? Ministries,” recently paired the above preacher / teacher on the same biblical passage: 1 Corinthians 2: