C H Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening Thoughts June 28 – My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less

Below you will find Spurgeon’s morning thoughts followed by the hymn he cited as he closed those thoughts: My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less. The hymn is a video by Brian Cochran, he sings the song while playing guitar; lyrics are pasted in for those who might want to sing along. I find it easy to sing along with his songs, it is like being in church and singing along with the congregation. Spurgeon’s evening thoughts follow hymn and lyrics.

C H Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening Thoughts for June 27

Today, he emphasized two very common problems: compromise, in his morning thoughts; and calling in his evening thoughts. Since he was such an excellent biblical preacher, his words are very worth considering. As I read his morning thoughts, I thought of how the church is compromising with the CRT and LGBTQ movements; and of how liberalism has been an issue for over a hundred years, Spurgeon himself fought against it in his writings. His evening thoughts deal with callings, the common errors new converts make [an 11-minute MacArthur video on Spurgeon’s ‘downgrade controversy’ is linked]

C H Spurgeon – Morning and Evening Thoughts for June 22nd

His morning thoughts provide some understanding about God’s purposes in affliction. All believers are shaped by it, and receiving it is not always something we want to do; Spurgeon’s words help with that in particular. His evening thoughts encourage us in learning to hold the things of this earth loosely because they are temporary, while we are being taught to see the things of Christ as precious. The Spirit shows the foolish and temporal things we have been trusting in as He helps us make the transition to trusting wholly in Christ. Spurgeon’s words remind us that our trust in earthly things must be let go of and transferred to Christ alone.

Purity of Heart and Life – Charles Spurgeon Audio Devotionals (Matthew 5:8)

The two-minute devotional in this post is about purity of heart, Matthew 5:8. A list of highlights precede the video and a brief comment after it to add a few things Spurgeon did not mention in this very short devotional [I’ve listened to him preach on the beatitudes and know that he did not have time to state a few other foundational points about purity of heart and the process inherent in the beatitudes; as this is a devotional, not an exhaustive study of purity of heart…].

Psalm / Hymn Singalong for personal worship

The purpose of this post is to provide music and singing for leading personal worship. I doubt if I’m the only worshiper who cannot carry a tune, even when I know the lyrics. Herein, the lyrics are below the music video so that readers might sing along with Brian Cochran as he plays his guitar and sings. It is like being in church and singing with the congregation and the pianist. Herein: Psalm 51C, about confessing sin; two hymns to help the worshiper consider the atoning work of Christ; and one hymn to help one consider the covenant God made with Abraham from which His redemptive work flowed

1 Corinthians 9:24 …So run that you may obtain it [the imperishable prize]

This post contains a thoughtful video short on 1 Corinthians 9:24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it.
A race is being run and it is easy to notice the effort each runner is putting into winning. The apostle Paul used that analogy regarding the Christian life. I was greatly convicted as I watched this video, but also inspired….

Your Doctrine is not Enough – C H Spurgeon

This post contains a 3-minute C H Spurgeon devotional about the resurrection based on the following text: Philippians 3:10  that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death. His big point is that believing in the resurrection is the foundation or the root of the spiritual fruit of fellowship with Christ

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