Behind The Scenes By Curtis Bowers

The following 42 minute Mp3 by Curtis Bowers provides insight into the strategies and motivations of the political left.

The following points are highlights of topics that were discussed on ‘behind the scenes’ this week:

  • Tucker Carlson video about the destruction of our civilization
  • Obama admin, how it harmed the institution of marriage and therefore, children
  • Labeling patriotism as anti-American
  • Children taught to hate America and White people
  • Rioters, anarchists and thieves get no consequences
  • Parents do not have a right to know what their children learn in school
  • Mainstream is no longer protecting the innocence of children, but trying to defile them, their thought processes and their morals: anyone who is permitted to do this will succeed at destroying this nation
  • Censorship: the argument of the 1970s was that it was a first amendment right to produce and publish pornography (one of the strategies leftists have used to harm the family and marriages, and therefore the nation); but now, rules are being changed to remove freedoms so no one might confront them legally
  • Several examples showing the purposefulness of the left’s agenda even though it appears to be incompetence….
  • Creating conflicting narratives about masks, to cite one example, so that there is confusion and division among the citizens (later, he talks about the ‘Occupy Wall street movement and how the elite distracted the movement by creating a narrative on ‘racism’ because they feared unification of citizens against them) [Hillary used this same strategy by creating the Russia Hoax to distract from her email problem]
  • Clear indicators that this nation is being systematically destroyed: bad behavior is being rewarded; good behavior, punished; the purposeful destruction of the biblical family, even though everyone knows that a child without both parents had a difficult time in life; increased lawlessness, chaos and destruction via the defund the police movement; teaching children to hate God, country and everything right instead of properly educating them and building their character; purposefully causing inflation to impoverish citizens and make them dependent upon government
  • Correct responses: be thankful to God; enjoy the simple things in life so you need fewer of the things they promote to get ownership of your time; turn off propaganda sources in your life – movies, media, etc. that such up your life’s blood, your time; love your family and encourage them
  • Verse of the week, Proverbs 3:13 13 Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding, 14  for the gain from her is better than gain from silver




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