Agenda Weekly by Curtis Bowers: Behind The Scenes MP4

Curtis Bowers’ Agenda Weekly October 24-30 Q&A about how the Leftist agenda is apparent in events that transpired this week.

This portion of Bowers’ AW is different than that which I posted yesterday. Herein, he answers questions and give information about the leftist agenda as it unfolds via weekly events.

The following points were discussed [he is very knowledgeable on these topics and spoke a moment or more about each. Just reading the topics is not sufficient if you really desire to understand our current national problems, so you can take a stand, vote rightly…]:

  • Deadlines for vax mandates
  • PM of New Zealand and quarantine protocol
  • Tax increases: dems lie when they say it is just for the rich; if they took all of the money of the 2755 billionaires in the world, it would only sustain the US for 15 months…which says a lot about their exorbitant spending; therefore, when they double spending and say they will recoup it from the rich, they are telling a blatant lie
  • German state allows grocery stores to ban people without vax passports
  • Cutting off groceries to pressure people to comply is a totalitarian tactic
  • Half of Americans have had covid and should not get the experimental jab
  • The criteria, apparent from history, that causes democracies to collapse
  • Bowers talks about a cycle that is apparent in the study of history, as he described it, I remembered the book of Judges which seemed to exhibit the same cycle: oppressionà deliverance/faith/abundanceà Complacency/apathy…à affliction from Godà turning back to Godà repeat of cycle. BUT we differ from the above cycle from Judges in that people are not turning to God, but mankind is turning to man to relieve his afflictions; this will result in a totalitarian govt. unless faith/courage are sought from God to stand against evil
  • We are at the complacency/apathy point; thousands of immigrants are coming to America so they can be supported by the welfare system
  • The beginning of totalitarianism is apparent in the lockdowns, vax mandates, etc. That is, we are about to be in a state of bondage; if one is not free to make basic choices, such as health care, then he is not free
  • Since the 1960s, LBJ’s Great Society programs, dependence upon government has been encouraged
  • The dems are growing this dependency at an incredible rate
  • We cannot keep spending trillions and have the economy continue
  • [This democratic strategy to collapse America is outlined in a DVD titled, There’s No Place Like Utopia by Joel Gilbert. I learned a lot about their strategies to create a dependent voter base by watching this movie. He noted that overloading the welfare system to crash America so it can be rebuilt as a socialist nation is one of their strategies; I would say that the green new deal is another because it will be a massive drain on the economy while it burdens taxpayers with much unnecessary tax payments. I watched the DVD for free on Amazon but bought a couple copies to lend out.]
  • The SOLUTION of our problems is turning back to God that we might get the courage to stand…
  • Nothing will stop our descent into bondage except turning back to God
  • If we just try to build the conservative movement, it will fail without the spiritual element, the turning back to God, growing in faith, obedience, reverence…
  • God gives courage to do what is right, we can’t muster that without God
  • That kind of courage always produces liberty as in the beginning of our nation
  • Reading of the essay, ‘The Rehearsal is Over  [I copied and pasted the letter below]

The Rehearsal is Over

Charles Eisenstein

Oct 9

A friend wrote me about her dilemma. She owns a company employing hundreds of people and is a staunch critic of that-which-shall-not-be-named. She said she has been trying to fly under the radar until sanity is restored, but with looming mandates for large employers, the radar will soon turn on her. What will she do?

I will share with you the inner monologue that her note provoked in me.

A return to sanity? Sanity will not be restored for us by others. We are the ones that must restore it. We cannot wait for others to be brave on our behalf. We are here in this initiatory moment to choose who we are. The choice of whether to capitulate or to act is a declaration: Who am I to be? What is the world to be? Am I serious enough about my vision for the world to risk my security for it? That is not a challenge meant to goad myself into action. It is simply true. Through my choice, I will know myself as I am. I will become as I choose. The rehearsal is over.

Many people trust the authorities and willingly comply with their rules. They face no dilemma, no initiatory moment, no self-defining world-creating choice point, not yet.

But as the authorities’ narratives devolve into absurdity and their rules devolve into oppression, more and more of us face this choice:

To live your truth out loud, or

To live by a lie, consoling yourself with secret protest.

To do what you know is right, or

To cave in to the pressure, consoling yourself with words you don’t believe. “I had no choice.”

Yes, for many of us it has come to such a choice. The rehearsal is over.

Maybe, I think, maybe now is not the time to be brave. Maybe now is not the time to speak out. I’ll wait until it is a little safer.

But it will never be safe to be brave. Never.

If not now, when? If not I, who?

Shall I wait for others to do what I dare not do? We are ready. We’ve been preparing and being prepared for a long time. The rehearsal is over.

The message is not “Act now.” Do not accept pressure, coercion, bribes or threats. Don’t let me or anyone else tell you what to do or when to do it. We are fighting for the end of the time of dictating each other’s choices, thinking I know better than you what you should be doing.

I trust you to know the right choice. Being trusted is an invitation to be trustworthy. Trusting you to be brave, you become brave, just as I become brave when people see me as brave. Bravery is not a personal achievement; it is a community function. It is a contagion. It is a mutual awakening.

Bravery means acting when you know it is time to act. It isn’t the convenient time. It is simply the time. It is the moment of, “Enough!” It is the moment of, “It is time to do something about it.” It is the moment of truth over consequences.

In that moment you act not because it is brave, but because it is necessary. You recognize that the moment has come. Why now? Because it is time. No other reason is needed.

Bravery means doing what is yours to do, when it is time to do it. Denying that knowing locks your heart in a box. Life becomes a chore. Despair descends like a fog, turning everything gray. Hope withers, leaving behind the dry empty husk called wishful thinking. And you face the dread of living the rest of life knowing, “I did not do what I was here to do, when the moment came and it counted.”

The rehearsal is over.

If I am not brave, what reason have I to hope others will be? Courage and cowardice both are contagious. My choice establishes a principle of human nature. It declares not only who I am, but what a human being is. and what the world shall be. Each choice is therefore a prayer. Our choices scaffold divine creation.

That is why synchronicity so often congeals around bravery. Synchronicity is the snapping of the laws of probability as reality shifts to align with brave choices.

Seeing that creative power, one knows the despair was based on false premises. The ego’s cautious logic is reversed. The ego says, “Give me a guarantee that it will work and I’ll be OK, then I’ll do it.” The ego says, “Promise me that enough other people will resist, and then I’ll resist too. Prove to me it won’t be in vain. Guarantee that others will join in.” God says, “Show me that you want a more beautiful world enough to actually risk something with no guarantee. Then you will see results beyond all reckoning.”

Is your time for choosing here? You will recognize when it is. No one can escape that feeling of recognition when the moment comes. If you have read this far, that time is close. You know exactly what I’m talking about.

The rehearsal is over.