AGENDA Weekly Brief Week of July 17-23 – By Curtis Bowers

The following article was copied and pasted from my electronic subscription to Agenda Weekly; to subscribe for $5 per month, visit the following link:

AGENDA Weekly Brief

Week of July 17-23

Dear Friends, 

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33). When Christ spoke these words to His disciples, He admonished them to value first spiritual priorities rather than the temporal priorities of the Gentiles. 

Today, in the 21st century…

  • Do we pursue political solutions or prayer first?
  • Do we focus more on the problems in Washington, D.C. or on the change we can be in our own communities, churches, and families?
  • Are we more concerned about winning souls for Christ or winning votes for a conservative candidate?
  • Do we value earthly prosperity, power, pleasure, and popularity or pleasing our Heavenly Father?
  • Do we pursue the kingdom of God in every area of life?

Missionary CT Studd said it best: “One life will soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.”

1. PUTIN VISITS TEHRAN: This week, Vladimir Putin visited Tehran, Iran, to meet with top Iranian leaders and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s Supreme Leader, endorsed Russia’s war with Ukraine. Additionally, Iran signed a $40 billion energy deal with Russian energy giant Gazprom. Last week, President Biden traveled to Israel, where he signed a “joint pledge” with Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid to “never allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons,” thus committing the U.S. military to another potential war.

Ed. Note: Russian state television presenter Yevgeny Popov said that Iran and Russia would form an “Axis of Good.” In reality, this is nothing more than the Red-Green Axis, the alliance between Communism and Islam referenced in AGENDA 2: Masters of Deceit and detailed again in this week’s important Behind the Scenes interview with Jim Simpson. 

2. HOUSE PASSES “(DIS)-RESPECT” OF MARRIAGE ACT”: Every single Democrat and 47 Republican Representatives voted for the so-called “Respect of Marriage Act” which would fully sanction same-sex marriage and more. CNN reports, “While most GOP senators are likely to vote against the bill, lawmakers in both parties believe there will be at least 10 Republicans who would join all 50 Democrats and advance the bill to a final up-or-down vote.”

Jared Eckert of the Heritage Foundation wrote, “Despite its name, the bill isn’t about marriage or respect at all. It’s about imposing the radical left’s sexual ideology as state orthodoxy. Final passage would mean states no longer are allowed to define and recognize marriage as a legal union between a man and a woman. Instead, they would be forced to recognize any union between two individuals, regardless of sex, as marriage. Even more radical, the bill would require federal recognition of polygamy if just one state requires it. By radically redefining marriage and eviscerating states’ rights, the bill would transform matters of disagreement—even on the basis of deeply and sincerely held religious belief—into discrimination. Those who refuse to submit—whether states, government officials, or any the U.S. attorney general deems to be ‘acting under the color of State law’—would be punished for their beliefs.”

Ed. Note: In 1996, the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) passed 342-67 in the House and 85-14 in the Senate and was signed into law by President Bill Clinton. Liberal Senators Patrick Leahy, Harry Reid, and even Joe Biden voted in favor. David Closson of the Washington Stand points out that this new bill “underscores the speed of the moral revolution.” Many pagan cultures of the past have celebrated homosexuality (Greece, Rome, etc.). But few have gone so far as to declare marriage between the same sex. Communist Goal #26 called to “Present homosexuality, degeneracy, and promiscuity as ‘normal, natural and healthy.’”

3. REDEFINING GENDER: The transgender agenda continues to march through America’s institutions of influence. The University of Pennsylvania has nominated a biological male, Lia “Robert” Thomas, to be the NCAA’s “Women of the Year.” Some anthropology professors are now calling for researchers “to think twice about assigning gender to ancient human remains.” Merriam-Webster dictionary has changed its definition of female to “Having a gender identity that is the opposite of male.” Disney theme parks will replace the term “fairy godmothers” with more gender-neutral language.

America’s #2 health official, “Admiral” Rachel Levine, a biological male who pretends to be a woman, wants to “empower” transgender kids to believe in their false gender and to get “sex reassignment surgery,” the sanitized term for irreversible sterilization and bodily mutilation. The University of California San Diego (UCSD) has published a guide for students who want to “change their gender.” UCSD will also pay for “gender-affirming” treatment for students.

A 27-year-old “transgender” inmate impregnated two female inmates at a prison in Clinton, New Jersey. This came after prison officials allowed inmates to choose prison facilities corresponding with their “gender identity.”

4. WOKE REVISIONISTS TAKE OVER JEFFERSON AND MADISON’S HOMES: Robert Spencer summarizes, “Thomas Jefferson’s famed mansion Monticello has been turned into a fount of woke propaganda that denigrates Jefferson and treats unsuspecting visitors to an over-the-top orgy of victimhood and white guilt regarding slavery.”

James Madison, the Father of the Constitution, has not escaped unscathed either. According to New York Postat Madison’s Montpelier, “not a single display focuses on the life and accomplishments of America’s foremost political philosopher, who created our three-branch federal system of government, wrote the Bill of Rights and the Federalist Papers, and served two terms as president. Instead, blindsided tourists are hammered by high-tech exhibits about Madison’s slaves and current racial conflicts, thanks to a $10 million grant from left-leaning philanthropist David M. Rubenstein.”

Ed. Note: Rewriting history is part of a calculated agenda. Karl Marx rightly declared, “The first battlefield is history.” George Orwell famously said, “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” 

5. COVID VACCINE MANDATES COME HOME TO ROOST: Not only are Covid vaccine mandates causing a shortage in the military and police departments, but they’re also impacting the medical industry. Houston Methodist, the first hospital to mandate that all employees receive the Covid injection, is now facing a staffing shortage due to Covid infections, after almost 400 employees out of 28,000 tested positive for Covid-19 in one week.

6. COVID VACCINES CONTINUES TO DESTROY LIVES: Casket manufacturer Mike Haddock of Toronto, Canada, says he has witnessed a significant rise in orders for smaller-sized caskets following the introduction of Covid-19 vaccines. Hddock stated, “Small people are passing away. It’s noticeable in our industry. For the first time in over 30 years, we are receiving bulk orders for smaller-sized caskets.”

Recent CDC VAERS data shows that 20% of deaths following Covid vaccines are related to cardiac disorders. A recent study found that 42% of women reported heavier menstrual bleeding following Covid vaccines. Official data from the Canadian province of Manitoba shows that Covid vaccines increase the risk of hospitalization or death from Covid. An analysis of official data from Australia and the U.K. found that those who receive four or more doses of the Covid-19 vaccine are 100x more likely to be hospitalized than the unvaccinated.

7. BIDEN CONTRACTS COVID: One year ago, Biden said the following during a CNN Town Hall: “One last thing that’s really important is, we’re not in the position where we think that any virus, including the Delta virus, which is much more transmissible and more deadly in terms of unvaccinated people, the — the various shots that people are getting now cover that. You’re OK. You’re not going to — you’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.”

The fully vaccinated and double-boosted president has now tested positive for Covid-19. The White House says that Biden is experiencing “very mild symptoms.”

Ed. Note: It was also one year ago that Biden promised inflation would be “temporary.” 

8. BIDEN’S CLIMATE EMERGENCY AND WAR ON AMERICAN ENERGY: Following Senator Joe Manchin’s refusal to vote for billions to combat “global warming,” Joe Biden said that “climate change is an emergency.” While the President did not make a formal declaration, he promised in the coming weeks to “use the power I have as president to turn these words into formal official government actions through the appropriate proclamations, executive orders, and regulatory power that the president possesses.”

A recent World Economic Forum paper claimed that gas prices are “underpriced” and that a green energy transition is essential to “creating sustainable economies.” The World Economic Forum has proposed blocking the Sun using “space bubbles” to combat “climate change.”

In a recent Congressional hearing, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said, “The more pain we are all experiencing from the high price of gas, the more benefit there is for those who can access electric vehicles.”

9. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE DOUBLE STANDARDS: Stephen Colbert’s film crew was arrested at the Capitol after repeatedly disobeying instructions from Capitol police officers. The same U.S. Attorney’s office that prosecuted dozens of Americans for entering the Capitol on January 6 has dropped the case. Over 50 attacks have been carried out against pro-life groups since May. Somehow, the Department of Justice still has not arrested one person involved in these attacks.

10. THE IMMIGRATION INVASION CONTINUES: The “Great Replacement” is not just a conspiracy theory; it’s an agenda the left has been pursuing for over 40 years. More than 1.7 million illegals have been encountered since September 30, 2021, and almost 700,000 have been released into the U.S. This does not include the thousands of illegals who evade border patrol.

Under a new policy, the Biden Administration is shielding immigrants from fifteen countries (including Afghanistan, El Salvador, Somalia, Ukraine, and Venezuela) from deportations under Temporary Protected Status (TPS). “This is an end run on U.S. immigration law and Congress,” said Emilio Gonzalez, former head of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas announced an “Office of Health Security” to “pioneer best-in-class workforce health, safety, work-life and wellness programs, and suitable, timely care for noncitizens in our care and custody.” Mayorkas also said his policies are “aligned with the expectations” of immigrants.

250 pounds of fentanyl, enough to kill everyone living on America’s west coast, were seized by border patrol agents. A new report from the Texas Statehouse found that the U.S. border crisis contributed to lax security at the Uvalde school.

Ed. Note: The United Nations says that there are one billion migrants worldwide. The World Health Organization recently called for “universal health coverage” for all “refugees and migrants.” These globalist institutions have no compassion for immigrants; they only want to use immigration as a tool to foment chaos, break down society, and usher in a One World Government.

11. AMAZON FORAYS DEEPER INTO HEALTHCARE INDUSTRY: Amazon is dropping $3.9 billion to buy primary care provider One Medical. While Amazon already offers virtual healthcare, the deal gives Amazon control of physical doctors’ offices. Further, Amazon is working to develop new “personalized” cancer vaccines in collaboration with the Seattle-based Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center.

Ed. Note: Neil Lindsay, senior vice president of Amazon Health Service, said, “We think health care is high on the list of experiences that need reinvention.” U.S. healthcare spending is projected to reach $6.2 trillion, or 20% of national GDP by 2028. Amazon wants its cut as it seeks to monopolize as many industries as possible. Freedom-loving Americans can best resist the Amazon agenda by boycotting as much as possible. 

12. NYU SCHOOL OF LAW WARNS AGAINST DIGITAL ID: New York University’s Center for Human Rights and Global Justice has issued a new report entitled, “Paving a Digital Road to Hell? A Primer on the Role of the World Bank and Global Networks in Promoting Digital ID.” According to the report, the World Bank has been “energetically promoting biometric and other digital ID systems that are increasingly linked to large-scale human rights violations, especially in the Global South” [Latin America, Africa, Asia, and parts of Oceania]. The report warns that digital identity initiatives “promoted in the name of development and inclusion, might be achieving neither,” but “may well be paving a digital road to hell.”

13. TRUMP BATTLES GOP ESTABLISHMENT IN ARIZONA: Breitbart reports, “The old guard of the Republican Party in the state that once sent Sens. John McCain (R-AZ) and Jeff Flake (R-AZ) to the U.S. Senate is now laying it all on the line in a gubernatorial primary in an attempt to prevent the return of former President Donald Trump to power.” Mike Pence, who plans to run in 2024, has joined Republican outgoing Arizona Governor Doug Ducey in endorsing establishment Republican Karrin Robson against Trump-endorsed Kari Lake in the race for Arizona governor.


  • In her new book, Former Trump Covid advisor Deborah Birx admitted that she manipulated Covid data and altered CDC guidance without authorization. Birx writes, “This wasn’t the only bit of subterfuge I had to engage in.”
  • Slovenia’s Supreme Court “legalized” gay marriage and gay adoption, ignoring three separate referendums in which the population voted against it.
  • House Democrats blocked a measure that would have increased penalties for child sex traffickers.
  • The CDC is directing youth towards secretive online chats about the occult, sex changes, and sexuality.
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law banning cryptocurrency payments.
  • The Gates-funded Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) announced 11 potential viruses that could become the “next pandemic” (plandemic).
  • Life Site News reports, “The European Commission, the executive branch of the European Union, is taking Hungary to the EU’s highest court over its pro-family law banning the promotion of homosexual and “transgender” materials to minors in schools.”
  • Since 2006, Russia and China have voted with the United States ten times to condemn North Korea’s nuclear tests. For the first time, on May 26, Russia and China, which both hold vetos on the United Nation’s Security Council, voted to not punish North Korea for its nuclear tests.
  • Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne, who met with Trump at the White House in December 2020, told the Epoch Times that it was Rudy Giuliani who convinced the President to back out of a plan crafted by Byrne, General Michael Flynn, and attorney Sidney Powell to investigate election fraud. Byrne said that Trump “was being completely undermined by everyone around him.”


1. JUDGE ORDERS BIDEN COLLUSION WITH BIG TECH TO BE EXPOSED: Following a lawsuit from Missouri and Louisiana, a judge ordered the Biden Administration to turn over communications between tech companies and senior officials. Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmidt said,” No one has had the chance to look under the hood before. Now we do.”

2. MACRON LOSES VACCINE PASSPORT BATTLE: French President Emmanuel Macron lost a battle to require anyone entering France to display a negative Covid test or proof of vaccination. The Telegraph reports that the mandate’s defeat “was met with wild cheering and a standing ovation from opposition lawmakers.”

3. A GOOD GUY WITH A GUN STOPS MASS SHOOTING: 22-year-old Elisjsha Dicken took down a shooter at a mall in Greenwood, Indiana, in only 15 seconds. The shooter managed to kill three and injure two before Dicken neutralized him with his Glock. Police chief Jim Ison said, “The real hero of the day is the citizen that was lawfully carrying a firearm in that food court and was able to stop the shooter almost as soon as he began.” Dicken had no formal firearms training (he learned from his grandfather) but hit the shooter with eight of ten shots from a distance of forty yards.

4. TED CRUZ CALLS OBERGEFELL RULING “CLEARLY WRONG”: Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) said, “Obergefell, like Roe versus Wade, ignored two centuries of our nation’s history. In Obergefell, the court said, ‘No, we know better than you guys do,’ and now every state must sanction and permit gay marriage. I think that decision was clearly wrong when it was decided. It was the court overreaching.”

5. COURT BLOCKS BIDEN FROM ENFORCING VACCINE MANDATE ON AIR FORCE: The Epoch Times reports, “A federal district court in Ohio has temporarily blocked the Biden administration from enforcing the COVID-19 vaccine mandate on thousands of U.S. Air Force service members who remain unvaccinated after having opposed the shot on religious grounds but have had their religious exemption applications denied.”

6. EMPLOYEES LOSE TRUST IN FEDERAL HEALTH AGENCIES: Marty Makary M.D., M.P.H. and Tracy Beth Høeg M.D., Ph.D. report, “Doctors and scientists at the top levels of the NIH, FDA, and CDC…are variously frustrated, exasperated and alarmed about the direction of the agencies to which they have devoted their careers.” One senior FDA official lamented, “It’s like a horror movie I’m being forced to watch, and I can’t close my eyes. People are getting bad advice, and we can’t say anything.” For more, read, “U.S. Public Health Agencies Aren’t ‘Following the Science,’ Officials Say.”

7. DESANTIS INVESTIGATES IMMIGRATION CRIMINAL OFFENSES: Governor Ron DeSantis said, “We were able to get the Florida Supreme Court to approve our request to impanel a statewide grand jury…So, we’re gonna be doing really significant investigation about anybody, any organizations, particularly in Florida, who may be a part of facilitating some of the illegal migration that we see. And I think that’s…very, very significant.”

8. NEW MEXICO COUNTY DECLARES ITSELF SANCTUARY FOR UNBORN: The Otero County Commissioners voted unanimously to declare the county a sanctuary for the unborn. According to the resolution, “The dignity of every human being will be defended and promoted from life inside the womb through all stages of development in life up and until a natural death.”

9. CONSTITUTIONAL SHERIFFS INVESTIGATE 2020 ELECTION: Mainstream Reuters laments, “A coalition of rightwing ‘constitutional sheriffs…’ has a new calling: investigating conspiracy theories that the 2020 election was rigged against former President Donald Trump.” The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, led by former Sheriff Richard Mack, has partnered with True the Vote to investigate 2020 election fraud and to help stop fraud in future elections.

10. CHRISTIAN FLIGHT ATTENDANT WINS $5 MILLION LAWSUIT AGAINST SOUTHWEST AIRLINES: The Christian Post reports, “A flight attendant who alleges she was fired from her position due to her vocal religious opposition to abortion and union dues being used to support abortion-related causes has won a $5.1 million federal lawsuit against her former employer and union.”

11. AMERICANS TRUST ARMED CITIZENS TO STOP MASS SHOOTERS MORE THAN POLICE: A new poll from Trafalgar Group and Convention of States Action found that 41.8% of voters “believe that an armed citizen would be their best protection if they were caught in a mass-shooting event.” 25.1% said local police would be their best protection, 10.3% said federal agents, and 22.8% said “none of the above.”

12. HAITI HAS LOWEST COVID-19 CASES AND DEATH RATES IN WESTERN HEMISPHERE: The World Health Organization reports, “In Haiti, from January 3, 2020, to July 22, 2022, there have been 32,131 confirmed cases of COVID-19 with 838 deaths. As of July 15, 2022, a total of 351,767 vaccine doses have been administered.” Haiti has a population of 11.7 million. One writer notes that Haiti “does not trust anything that comes out of the West including media propaganda and its experimental injections or what is known as the ‘Covid-19 vaccines.’”

13. CONFIDENCE IN MEDIA AND GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS REACHES ALL-TIME LOWS: State-sponsored propaganda may be losing its grip. Gallup reports that only 28% of U.S. adults say they have high confidence in government schools, down from 41% in 2020. Gallup also found that only 11% of Americans trust TV news, down from 18% in 2020. Only 16% percent of Americans trust newspapers, down from 24% in 2020. Commenting on the poll, MSNBC anchor Katy Tur said, “People don’t trust us. They don’t believe us, and it makes me wonder if this job, as I’m currently doing it, is effective but if it’s doing more harm than good.”

14. JUDGE STRIKES DOWN NY INVOLUNTARY QUARANTINE LAW: The Post Millennial reports, “In February, New York Democratic governor Kathy Hochul enacted a new order that would allow health officials to enforce isolation and quarantine wherever they deemed it necessary. On Friday, a New York Supreme Court judge struck down the rule after finding it to be in violation of state law.” State Supreme Court Justice Ronald Ploetz argued, “Involuntary detention is a severe deprivation of individual liberty.”

15. JUDGE BLOCKS BIDEN TRANSGENDER BATHROOM RULE: Reuters reports, “A federal judge in Tennessee has temporarily blocked Biden administration directives allowing transgender workers and students to use bathrooms and locker rooms and join sports teams that correspond with their gender identity.”


Truehearted, Wholehearted By Frances Havergal

Truehearted, wholehearted, faithful and loyal,
King of our lives, by Thy grace we will be!
Under the standard exalted and royal,
Strong in Thy strength, we will battle for Thee.

Peal out the watchword! Silence it never!
Song of our spirits, rejoicing and free;
Peal out the watchword! Loyal forever!
King of our lives, by Thy grace we will be.

Truehearted, wholehearted, fullest allegiance
Yielding henceforth to our glorious King!
Valiant endeavor and loving obedience
Freely and joyously now would we bring!

Truehearted, wholehearted, Savior all-glorious,
Take Thy great power and reign Thou alone!
Over our wills and affections victorious—
Freely surrendered and wholly Thine own