Absentee vs Mail In Voting; The Electoral College Explained

The difference between absentee and mail in voting (MIV) is explained in the following 2 minute video; a second video explains the electoral college; then there is a brief video about post-election media hype regarding a coop.

The purpose of the first two videos is to make the point that MIV is a setup for fraud; this fact has been documented by case studies, and elections that occurred in 2020.

Therefore, why is the democratic party insisting on it, since the initial dangers of Covid 19 have been proved to be false?

They have let it be known that they plan on taking the election regardless of whether their candidate wins or not; Glenn Beck addresses that in the last video. Also, I recently posted a Huckabee video that addresses that same topic, in case you don’t appreciate Beck.



Video two, the electoral college: this video makes it clear that the founding fathers knew that a purely majority candidate would not represent people from every state in the entire country, this EC system aims for that kind of representation; furthermore, it makes fraud more difficult among other important safe guards.



Video three, Glenn Beck’s coverage of the post election hype being generated by the democratic left:



The mailbox pictured above is from the following site and is for sale for $300:


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