Abortion, Ba’al Worship Evidenced in America: Paganism, part 14

There are three short videos below. In the first, Jonathan Cahn connects the worship of Ba’al, the pagan god of the Bible, with current day abortion. The second and third videos graphically display abortion.

Those who have had abortions or have conducted abortions can be forgiven by repenting and forsaking their sins; just like adulterers, murders…. That is, I am not hating abortionists or women who have undergone abortions. The true gospel offers hope of salvation for all sinners.

In the following 8 minute video, Jonathan Cahn connects Ba’al of the Bible with current day family planning.



The following video 4 minute video shows politicians and an abortionist discussing abortion.





The following 3 minute video very graphically displays the “holocaust” of abortion. His video is old and incorrectly states that there have been 50 million abortions in the USA, I think the total is now, 60 million.




The second and third videos were from theologynerd1’s site.

I will continue to vote against the political progressive party for reasons shown in this post. They seem to be very proud of having made abortion very easy to obtain.