The Passover [a ‘type’ of the New Covenant in Christ’s Blood] – R C Sproul [Part 3]

This post contains a 24-minute teaching video by R C Sproul described as follows, by Ligonier Ministries: The Passover is a day of central importance in Israel’s history. To bring about the redemption of His people from slavery in Egypt, God provided them a means of escaping the wrath He would pour out on the land. The blood of a lamb was to cover the doorposts of Israel’s dwellings, displaying God’s merciful protection of His people from the judgment to come. In this message, R.C. Sproul discusses the significance of the Passover and how it foreshadows the redemption accomplished by Jesus, the Lamb of God. [There are highlight points following the video]

Unity of Old and New Testaments [Part 2]

The purpose of this series is to show that Bible covenants cause the Old and New Testaments to have unity. The Old and New Testaments, are the revelation of One God to a people He is calling out of this world. One can easily see the truth of that statement if he/she looks at God’s plan of redemption via the covenants He entered into with mankind in order to restore him, to redeem him. Excerpts from John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion will be used to support my purpose statement.

Evangelicalism is under attack – Rosaria Butterfield

There are two short videos below, the first is an excerpt of a conversation wherein Rosaria Butterfield is being interviewed about LGBTQ, the trans movement in general and the response of evangelicalism to it. In the process, schooling and other relevant aspects of society are called into question. During her discussion, she mentioned the terms, ‘creation ordinance.’ The second video explains that concept because it is very relevant. [There are highlight points for each video]

Why Christians Should Stop Using The Term Same-Sex Attracted – Rosaria Butterfield

You might hear Christians say they are ‘same-sex attracted’, and what they mean by this is that they struggle with same-sex attraction. We need to be clear-thinking in how we refer to these things. There is a huge difference between “I am that”, and “I feel that.” Join Rosaria Butterfield in a discussion about understanding and fighting indwelling sin, practical sanctification, and rooting your identity in Christ, not your sinful inclinations!

Poverty of Spirit – Matthew 5:3 – a definition

This post contains one commentary explanation of poverty of spirit from Matthew 5:3; it also contains a brief excerpt from two other posts about Jonathan Edwards, the excerpts are extremely relevant to the Matthew 5:3. One of those posts gave glimpses into his struggle for obedience; the other into his analysis of what constituted a truly born again person as opposed to a false convert.

Contemplative Prayer – Mysticism – by GoodFight Ministries

The 7-minute video of this post opens by mentioning Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who brought transcendental (TM) meditation to the west, via the influence of the Beach Boys and the Beatles. Pastor Joe Schimmel, who created the video, then moves to the topic of church leaders who are encouraging TM: Rick Warren and Rob Bell, two of many. Then Pastor Joe S. discussed mantras: their unbiblical nature, even if these are words from the Bible. Lastly, true biblical meditation was succinctly explained…. [Even though this video is a decade old, Hindu meditation and Hindu yoga are still a problem in the church, find out how that is so]

The Counterfeit Church – Wide is the Gate – Caryl Matrisciana

The late Caryl Matrisciana herein contrasts the new type of “Christianity,” that emphasizes experience, emotions…, that incorporates eastern spirituality, yoga, meditation… with biblical Christianity; in the process, she reveals the lies that are pulling people away from God’s word into man-made spirituality, such that you will be able to see them if they are present in your world-view. A path back to orthodoxy is explained.

What is effectual calling? – Got Questions Ministries

My purpose in posting this article is to explain the concept of effectual calling, as it occurs often in the scriptures. And those who only read bits and pieces of scripture usually don’t understand such terms. Effectual calling occurs early in the process of salvation. Understanding such doctrines is important to having a fuller comprehension of the Christian life: how one is saved; what God is doing in the life….

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