The Counterfeit Church – Wide is the Gate – Caryl Matrisciana

The late Caryl Matrisciana herein contrasts the new type of “Christianity,” that emphasizes experience, emotions…, that incorporates eastern spirituality, yoga, meditation… with biblical Christianity; in the process, she reveals the lies that are pulling people away from God’s word into man-made spirituality, such that you will be able to see them if they are present in your world-view. A path back to orthodoxy is explained.

What is effectual calling? – Got Questions Ministries

My purpose in posting this article is to explain the concept of effectual calling, as it occurs often in the scriptures. And those who only read bits and pieces of scripture usually don’t understand such terms. Effectual calling occurs early in the process of salvation. Understanding such doctrines is important to having a fuller comprehension of the Christian life: how one is saved; what God is doing in the life….