The Gospel of Jesus Christ – Booklet – by Paul Washer

This post is for people who aren’t quite clear on the gospel and want to know it better; or for those who have witnessed the gospel and want to also provide material for reviewing discussion points…. The initial couple of minutes of the video explaining Washer’s booklet cover the following points: who is God; what is man – it is essential that believers understand these two points from a biblical perspective; what God has done to satisfy His own justice and to simultaneously be able to show mercy to the wicked; why was the resurrection necessary; what does it mean to believe; how can you know that you believe; what does it mean to repent; how can you know that you actually have repented; what is assurance and how can you grow in it….

What is the Gospel? R C Sproul

R C Sproul, What is the Gospel? In the process of his sermon to define the gospel message, R C identifies about 10 FALSE ways of proclaiming the gospel that have been used by modern evangelists since the 20th century. Furthermore, he explains the problem of all the versions of the gospel as having to do with an improper attitude towards it, which dishonors its owner, God. If you cannot come up with a clear definition of the gospel for your own witnessing of it to others, then knowing the contents of this sermon is essential for you.