The Inflationary Pillaging of America – Epoch Times Commentary

It’s been three and a half years from the start of the inflationary menace to the current plight of the dollar relative to its purchasing power. And please, as you read this, keep in mind that when we speak of the value of the dollar, there are two ways this is measured. The first is its value against the goods and services it can buy. The second is its value against the other currencies it can buy. These are too often conflated. It is massively important to take this into account because otherwise the headline news can be extremely confusing. When reporters go on about the strong dollar, they are referring to its value against other currencies…. You might have thought you were getting a great gift when the government started dropping thousands of dollars into your bank account. It was a head fake for the ages, a clear example of the government’s using clever tricks to get your support for its own plot against your well-being….